일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Good Morning
I’ve got a nice little story to tell you all :)

In Stage Tech yesterday (where you build props and shit for the plays), we were carrying the Grand Curtain and the Legs down the auditorium aisles, so it was a really tight fit. Well, I was on the left side of the curtain, and my foot got caught under a seat, and I tripped and fell. My thigh hit the armrest really hard, the side of my calf hit something else so now I have a big bruise there, and my ankle got caught under the chair, so I almost broke it (it’s sprained though). So yeah :,) I’m in so much pain guys, it’s not even funny. I still have to go to school though >:T and also, I didn’t get ANY of Forsha done because it hurt a lot of sit, so I mainly just layed in bed... until I played like an hour round of UNO with my family and lOsT. Oh and on my YouTube, I’ve already posted two JSE edits :D One more story and I’ll go. So, I have my own card now with my own money on it. I really wanna buy this PMA hoodie, but my mom said “we’ll talk about it” because she “wants [me] to be saving [my] money” bUt wth amd I supposed to do with my money if I’m not even allowed to use it??????? fkshdjahfjsh it made me mad, so I went to bed angry at my mother. Still a bit mad but not as bad.

How are you guys?

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