Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Last post— (hopefully)
I have softball practice I’m an hour so yeah—

Story time from school! :D
*Sitting in art not really wanting to do the project but we’re doing it anyway*
Justice: *Picks up a paintbrush and looks at me* Is you tip hard? *He starts laughing after saying that xD*
Me: It’s actually pretty soft *Wiggles eyebrow*
We both start laughing*
Jordan: *She gets up and walks by Justice and I*
Justice: Hey Jordan, what color is your tip?
Jordan: *Sits back down next to me* White :D
*Justice and I start dying of laughter*
Avia: What the hell is happening?!
Me: *Sitting under the table dying of laughter*

I hate Justice sometimes but he’s funny as hell—
Also Jordan is funny as hell too xD
Everyone thought we were insane for those few minutes
Also we got yelled at by the teacher but ya know, it was worth it xD

So today was a good day :3

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