My TyPiNg QuIrK eXpLaInEd In A wAy
MoSt Of ThE tImE i'Ll CaPiTaLiZe EvErY oThEr LeTtEr LiKe ThIs BuT, SoMeTiMeS I Do This And Capitalize The Every Word Or, i'll type in all lowercase sometimes too.
PuNcTuAtIoN wItH mY tYpInG qUiRk ? = ?. ! = !, AnD i BeLiEvE tHe ReSt Is NoRmAl I hOpE tHiS hElPs!,
PuNcTuAtIoN wItH mY tYpInG qUiRk ? = ?. ! = !, AnD i BeLiEvE tHe ReSt Is NoRmAl I hOpE tHiS hElPs!,