Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

I'm crying Beacuse my brother jus broke my prompt book. I was brand new and everything it looked so nice! He threw it and now it's all bent and ripped. I haven't even written in it yet.
You must be thinking "DT that's so stupid your crying over a book!"
Well i got it on Christmas and It was the only present i got that i liked, I like writing stories but i never knew what to write. And now the book is broken.
And then I had to tell and tell both ny brothers to apologize Beacuse they were being childish and fighting. They still are fighting! My little brother is being a jerk and sitting there insulting my older brother
So yee, expect some vent art i guess. Maybe
I hope I'll get over something so stupid

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