插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

This one time

This one girl that was named _____ was with me in school
A lot of kids (5-8) asked her for bread because she brought 4 small buns
The other small kids (probably 2nd—3rd grade) we’re playing with their little toys the got
I saw a mini ice cream box
And then I was like “Hey ______ look at the mini ice cream bo—“
And then she was about to slap me in the face
So she slap me in the face
And I tried to move but I couldn’t
I try very hard to get myself steady again
But me couldn’t move
Just as I was about to fall
I went unconscious
And then
Idk what came next
But liek I think the kids were freaking out and stuff
She used to slap me all the time for no good reason before
She also slap other kids
And say it was a joke
But it do hit hard
And liek
When I went back to school
I feel like I was ruined
Everybody began to treat me nicely
And no one talk to ______
So I feel like that no fair
Because I had a 9 year old brain back then
And I was known as “the nicest kid in school” and “teacher’s pet”
But soon I noticed that the other kids were right and ____ slapped people for no reason
So I no friends with her anymore

The End

Also who would get mad at someone telling them that there was a tiny baby ice cream on the table like why 😭
