I’m deciding to put this out here cuz I just need to get it off my chest..I think I should tell you the things people said to me..
“I hope you hang yourself”
“You’re not good enough”
“I would understand if you killed yourself, because you’re annoying”
“Sometimes you make me so pissed off with your art, you get so much attention”
“If you die, no one would care and they would forget you”
“You’re so embarrassing to be around”
“Damn, you’re awful”
“Your art looks like an old man who took drugs his whole life”
“Your art is terrible”
“No one fucking loves you”
there’s more but I think that’s enough..let me tell you about my school life..
pretty much since kindergarten I’ve been bullied. I self harmed last year, it got so bad I had to go to the guidance counselor everyday. a few weeks ago I tried hanging myself. my life isn’t perfect, and it never will be. I’m self harming now and I can’t quit. It’s too addicting. no, I am not venting for attention. I am venting because I feel comfortable expressing my feelings to you smol beans cuz I know you will give me the comfort I need..believe it or not but when I was crying, I was reading the support from you peeps and it put a smile on my face..thank chu <3
“I hope you hang yourself”
“You’re not good enough”
“I would understand if you killed yourself, because you’re annoying”
“Sometimes you make me so pissed off with your art, you get so much attention”
“If you die, no one would care and they would forget you”
“You’re so embarrassing to be around”
“Damn, you’re awful”
“Your art looks like an old man who took drugs his whole life”
“Your art is terrible”
“No one fucking loves you”
there’s more but I think that’s enough..let me tell you about my school life..
pretty much since kindergarten I’ve been bullied. I self harmed last year, it got so bad I had to go to the guidance counselor everyday. a few weeks ago I tried hanging myself. my life isn’t perfect, and it never will be. I’m self harming now and I can’t quit. It’s too addicting. no, I am not venting for attention. I am venting because I feel comfortable expressing my feelings to you smol beans cuz I know you will give me the comfort I need..believe it or not but when I was crying, I was reading the support from you peeps and it put a smile on my face..thank chu <3