일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

ShatterLoch: Casting Call - Lucy Scotch
Casting Call for Lucy Scotch is going to be open for auditions on the 3rd - 4th of December, next week!
We'll be very excited to see all your auditions for one of our main protagonists! :3
IMPORTANT: When applying to audition for the role of Lucy Scotch please have your video put the picture of the character or ShatterLoch - Lucy Scotch audition in the title. Please put your username in the description and who you're auditioning for (as this may go for several other characters if you are applying for more than one)
(After auditions) If you have been given the role put your social media links underneath so it'll be easier to give credit to you in the film's credits/desc.
This is entirely optional you can just give us your user instead.

Please give us the link in the comments under the Auditioning Topic.
For anymore information or questions please tell us down below ↓

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