Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

I Got Some Tips!
I wanna share some tips I use for my artwork! (I am NOT a professional, keep that in mind!)

1. PLEASE GOD USE REFERENCES, PLEASE, USE, REFERENCES - If you don't use references your art will look off in some way. Trust me, the reason you are beating up your art because its bad isn't because your at IS bad, its because you don't use references. No, I don't mean just reference sheets, I mean like actual references. Go on google or pinterest and search for reference of what you are drawing, compile all those images into one image and use that.

2. Do doodles - Before you begin drawing do at least 2 quick doodles, they don't have to be finished at all, just some quick doodles to get your hand and brain ready to draw.

3. Practice anatomy - I know, I know, I can hear you groaning about it. I used to want to not practice it either. But when I finally practiced it I got a lot better. Some mini tips I have for this is to break down the anatomy into shapes like circles and squares. Use skeletons (not actual skeletons) when drawing. Make sure your anatomy makes sense, even if your style is cartoony it should still be realistic to some degree. This means don't make the arms extend pass the knees unless the character species says otherwise, don't make hands waaaaaaaaaaaay smaller then the face, don't make the torso bigger then the legs.

4. Please, just, use the symmetry tool - I know some of you might not like using the symetry tool because you like the look of the more hand drawn feel. but it doesn't look good most of the time. Unless you have a perfect coordination and photographic memory ever, its not happening. The symmetry tool is there for a reason guys, don't let it go to waste.

Let me know if you want more of these!

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