posting this mainly for wolf
I am very insecure about my face, that's why I take pics like these. The only thing y'all need to know about my face is that I have brown eyes. As you can see I love wearing dresses lmao.
Please don't mind the skeleton in the second pic, his name is Stefan.
The third pic is an absolute mess but I wanted to add it to show I wear other clothes than just dresses. ( I was cosplaying Dave Miller okay... )
posting this mainly for wolf
I am very insecure about my face, that's why I take pics like these. The only thing y'all need to know about my face is that I have brown eyes. As you can see I love wearing dresses lmao.
Please don't mind the skeleton in the second pic, his name is Stefan.
The third pic is an absolute mess but I wanted to add it to show I wear other clothes than just dresses. ( I was cosplaying Dave Miller okay... )