Jon Arbuckle is hot
sorry u didn't read that lol

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Time spent online
art street is like a shitty version of Pixiv
how do I change the name of this post? I wanna call it "Epic Roast" wwwwwwwww
algo de algo tendra algo positivo o algo negativo a veces ( ̄︶ ̄)↗ (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
aaaah loong time i dont usee artstreeet i reeeaaaally miss this sitee (and yes, the difference between me before and after my "hiatus" is now i talk like an idiot now)
claro que no a veces puede ser tonto o confuso tal vez raro volver a ver la que te divierte sin importar la edad oye sigue haciendo lo que mas amas hacer
wheres meimi chan? i want her badge but i cant find heer
someone has her badge? if so send me a walkthrough pleaseeee
Sorry for not posting nothing for sooo long...
My phone is broken so i can't draw anymore (>_<) i'm Sorry!!
> UNDERDOGS. thank you for understanding
That's ok ! Stay safe !
i dunno if someone care about it but i broke two fingers :(
> VillyArt I can understand you because I broke my finger three years ago
> Moon-light yes i'm, thanks for worrying about me
Oh no :( hopefully they heal soon!
Oh are you ok?
why did three people reacted to this anyways?