Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


Do you ever just get so annoyed at everything? Like I can't walk around in this house without somebody asking me to do something. I feel like I just get ordered around all of the time, but at the same time, I barely do anything. So whenever I complain about getting bossed around, I get a response along the lines of "well would you like to clean the whole house instead?" I just- I'm really upset and I don't want to do anything other than my own will.

Sorry, I just needed to get that off of my chest

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  • Thats why I dont go downstairs. I laugh because of how many times my mom has asked "why I stay in my room" or how many times she has said "do I ask that much of you"

  • i feel the fucking same way


I'm sorry

I don't want to be this way, I just am.
I don't want to vent
I don't want to be sad
But I am.
So I vent too much.
It takes too much time out of everyone's day just to talk to me and my stupid problems. I wish I didn't have so many problems. I wish I had an amazing life where I feel normal, I don't even need to be happy, I just want to be normal and have a few friends, and not be this mess that I am. I hate caring for so many horrible people who hurt me. I hate everyone who has hurt me. I wish they never came into my life. I would be better off in a different world. In a world where I'm not extremely sad even on happy days, a world where I don't lock myself in my room in the dark and cry. But I don't live and that world and I don't want to accept that. I want to make that world. But I lack the mental energy and I'm just so- so sad and empty always. So that's why I have so many vents. I'm sorry, but that's how it has to be.

Sincerely, me

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  • it takes no time out of our day because you deserve that time. you deserve to be comforted, you deserve to be loved, and if anyone ever hurts you? ill fucking murder that snotty assed bitch in 2 seconds

  • ur, not a mess! And no one is upset about the vents as goes one of my fave sayings: those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.