- semilreal
- chipi
> Cheetah_artgirl thank u so much...^^ I believe if u try to practice drawing, u will draw beautifull...
You always impress me I wish I could impress myself bug I can't draw as good as you do 😆
> P.F.P.R.> P.F.P.R. thank u so much
Oh por dios!! Es magnífico!! Buen dibujo!
> Abd rahim> Abd rahim thank u so much
What tool do you use to blend? By the way this is so awsome how do you do it 🙃
i love the clothe
Increíble y muy vivo. Su realismo me emociona. Buen trabajo!!
> Sherry> Sherry thank u
Amazing! Grey!
Si cute I wish I could draw like you! (Hmmm or is it paint like you? Hmmm Ima think it through... 🤔)
> P.F.P.R. ^^ thank u
So cool *-*
Woah!! Le quedo bien!! Me gusto mucho!!
> ThatDarnKitty Pen (sharp) , watercolor of medibang paint app
What brush do you use for the hair?
Awesome, nice!!
> 銀蛇 つばさ oh yes... Is your happy drawing life too?
> grey_hallo You're welcome!! I hope your happy drawing life!!
> 銀蛇 つばさ> 銀蛇 つばさ> 銀蛇 つばさ thanks
> P.F.P.R.> P.F.P.R.> P.F.P.R. thanks ^^
So cute!!!
> GaBo thank u
> P.F.P.R. thank u
It almost looks like an impressionist painting! Really cool!