After all this time, I still can't understand how to work this shit. Because of all the updates this website has.
You bros probably don't really remember me, and I wouldn't blame you if you don't.
It's been eons since I've last been here.
I've noticed a fuck ton of people I used to be acquaintances with are no longer here.
That's okay, though. Because people have lives to go live.
Sdksfhskd I guess what I'm saying is that I'm 1/8 back.
Probably won't post much art, but I'll more than likely be lookin' at other people's stuff.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Looking back at all my old art from my gallery, I hadn't realized my shit looked like that. It's good to know I've somewhat grown as an artist, though.

➴ ➵ ➶➴ ➵ ➶➴ ➵ ➶
» Genderfluid
» Dumbass
» Feb 2
» I have Philophobia
» Artist and Photographer
➴ ➵ ➶➴ ➵ ➶➴ ➵ ➶
✓ Anime, mythology, Eminem, Post Malone, Heavy Metal, Homestuck, reptiles, photography, etc.
✕ Billie Eilish, Spiders, etc.
➴ ➵ ➶➴ ➵ ➶➴ ➵ ➶
Old acc was Glyceriine/Birdie.
- Work Place:I'mabouttogetajob,butasofnowI'munemployed.
- Gender:Male
A red HP Laptop with a few stickers
medibang or Krita.
Pen tablet
Wacom intous or something like that
Favorite music
I listen to a variety of music, so I don't have a favorite.
Favorite color
Time spent online
Surprisingly, I don't spend as much time online as I used to.
Favorite artwork
M.C. Escher
Favorite TV show
Shit man, Idk?
Things you always carry
An uno reverse card, just in case someone calls me gay
What you eat when hungry
Thing you interested in
Future goals
To be an animator. If not, a tattoo artist.
I'm a fucking dumbass.
Welcome back
> noi!-mkun Thanks bro, I really do appreciate it. And I'm doing good, shit is getting itself together finally.
man, i fucking missed you and your art. i'm glad you're back. i hope you're doing alright
Hello hello! Glad to see you somewhat back!