I know its fun to draw chests right? But I see all these anime girls and
I just hope people don't forget what women's chests are made for. they are made so they can feed their children! Not pleasure.

- Work Place:
I think it would be kind of fun to answer question about the characters I have created! If you have any! :3
> ᥇ꫀᦓꪻ No problemo
> ß Thanks!
> ᥇ꫀᦓꪻ Oh nice! :0
> ß So there are actually a few cinnamon rolls! The red one is named logan. The blue one is nAmed Joseph. And the third one who I have yet to draw more is named Joyful!. So Logan is actually quite nice but also quite insane and because he is a werewolf he can sometimes be either intimidating or just mean, but other then that he is willing to help anyone in need! And then there is Joseph, he's really nice but he's also really sad...and honestly he gets hurt easily (emotionally and physically) and is actually quite shy! Not to mention he is a Cat. A really fluffy cat...but he could get along with Logan quite well! (Unless of course he gets hurt physically by that wolf)
This is something I made! :D