希望大家看到修整後的圖繪覺得比之前好~ 中間也會放上我最近化的新圖優~ 有興趣的歡迎持續關注!
It's been a long time to use medibang. To my surprise, here has been quite different than before. (´⊙ω⊙`)
I started to use Instagram recently, and it makes me want to restart here. (つд⊂)
I will repost some works I revised. Hope them look better than before. In the meanwhile, I will post some new artworks drawn lately here. If you are interested in this, welcome to follow me!

Outter's Space
MediBang ID:
Hello, here is Otter's Outer Space!
Thank you for stopping by and taking interest in my page and gallery.
I am a freelance artist to share something in my head by drawing.
I hope you can get some inspiration from my works and enjoy it!
Thank you for stopping by and taking interest in my page and gallery.
I am a freelance artist to share something in my head by drawing.
I hope you can get some inspiration from my works and enjoy it!
- Deviant Art: https://www.deviantart.com/outtersspace
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/outters_space/
> ~°•×astral Awwww~~~ Thank you! I'll keep up at good work!!! (ง๑ •̀_•́)ง
I would love to see more art, I saw your little man in yellow and I loved it!❤