Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Maybe I'm an expert procrastinator

Hey there! so, I was curious if anyone of you who see this know if its better to post comics here ( on art street ) or on Manga plus creators, or even both.
more specifically like a 1-3 page comic / short story, after all I draw as a hobby and post my silly junk for others to enjoy and maybe get a kick out of, any opinions on this vague topic are appreciated!!

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  • > Pong🌸 It seems like medibang is as put together as it's not sometimes lol, I only recently discovered that Manga plus creator existed but I don't really know if there's a difference uploading a comic here or there, or not, we'll see lol

  • I’m pretty sure people can view your manga plus creator works through your MediBang account… so I’d say do manga plus creator or do both. I’ve never posted a comic on either though, so take my opinion with a grain of salt😅