aw let's go babyyy ! ! ! :3 :D

Keeps Ache
I'm just doing whatever comes to me; which might take a minute but I'll get to it eventually lol
~✧ Adult ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~✧
~✧ Nonbinary, They/It ~~~~~~~~~✧
~✧ I take requests from mutuals ~~✧
- Carrd:
- Mostly OCs :)
- Anything that I think might look neat
yippeeeee woohooo yeehaw :3
oh hey! thanks for level 3 :D been a minute since one of those! glad that post is doing so well, especially considering the Struggles kfshv
but ye Thanks ^w^
and the terrible cropping returns Yippee !! lmfshvhg
wip :3 almost done my inks yaaaay 🎉
here's a thing i've been working on for a couple days now !! well, 'a couple days' but my computer Was in the shop for like 4ish days i think so teeeeechnically closer to a week lmfsvh- but no specifics ! ! here's the link :3
not fixing that title Lmaoo 💥💥💥
it cropped right 🎉💥‼️👍💫🎉
doing a whole whisper-scream of 'IT CROPPED RIGHT ! ! !' every time a piece crops right on medi lmfvshjghs
it happened again lmao 👍i got old(er) !!! sick stuff!! i'm gonna[falls into a trebuchet and is launched 5000 feet into the air, never to be seen again]
[boogies down] yeehaw ! ! ! 💥💥💥 :D
made some reaction images again lol :3
the second one has sparkles but you can't see them without dark mode gfsh <//3
finished the last of my refs last night!! new personal best, 2 in one day hfbsvh :DD super hyped about that loll !! anyway, :33
made this so now i'm just showing it to everybody. check it out hfbhs
btw, i have like 6 full pieces on this one canvas lol :3
prolly just a coincidence it's lagging. yeaaa hfhsv
not allowed to use my brother's charger anymore lol 👍
there was a black spot on my arm dude hghfhs
it Is 4 a.m. and i don't feel tired yet so. guess i'll pace or something lmao
wip from 3 days ago and then the same shot from today ! :3
really procrastinating hard on this one lmao - it's pretty much only lineart so idk what's the holdup lol
oh i am Winning at artstreet cropping hfbhs
DONE. and it only took me around an hour ehe >:3
though i've learned i should Not use the submissions page to look for and tag things. oh my stars that's a mess man hgfsh - anyway all my pinkspace stuff is tagged now :>> !!
it's 5 a.m. and i Should be sleeping because i woke up at like 3 but i've Got to get my pieces for this one specific project tagged properly or i will die. or something like that hfsh :)
and good morning too, by the way!
only downside is that it looks So Dark/Dulled anywhere without a dark mode lol - artstreet continues to hold the spot my second greatest nemesis
> 🅒🅗🅔🅔🅢🅔 (𝒻𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓀𝓎 era) it Does - getting blasted in the eyes at 2 a.m. + headaches is such a hassle dude lmao
Medibang needs a dark mode
i made a carrd :D ! :3
[90's ad video transition] have you ever had a headache in your life? you may entitled to financial compensation. maybe look into that
here it is on webtoons !
> 👾SÆRO_3Ø8👾 !! thank you !! :DD
sorry @spill-ur-gutzz i did not mean to trash your friend request Lmao
> $P1LL_UR_GUTZZ Hfbvhsf thanks lmao 👍✨
Dw about it rah🤩🤩🤩😔🫙😔🫙😔🫙❤️😞❤️🫙🙏🤓🙏🤓❤️🥳🫵
it really does embody my brain's comprehension of admiration though Lollll
happy valentine's day!!
blowing you kisses, hope you have an awesome day :D <3
Lmaooo they crunchied my gif.. i'm not compressing it again [<-went through the horrors] here's a link lol ->
YESS it cropped perfectly [runs into the swamp]
wip ! i've been very slowly working on this expression sheet cuz i'm tryna get the world lore for this all sorted out n stuff lol; turns out i have a Lot more of it than i thought hfsh
i'll prolly have it done by........................... the time the future rolls around lmao 👍>:3
> YtterOdd (Stickerman) thank you ^ヮ^ !