Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Need art advice

Whenever I ask these I don’t get any advice. I’ve only ever gotten advice one time and it was extremely useful and I still think of it to this day. So please if you see anything I need to fix or work on then comment down below.
I hope you have a good day or night.

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  • > ▪️ ɴᴀʀᴜᴅʏɴᴇ • ᴋᴀɪᴛᴏ ▪️ Oh yes these are perfect, I will definitely try these out! Thank you so much for your help!

  • I can't find a lot of examples to go off of so I'll just try to give some stuff I've found that shadow variation can be good to have, like using soft shadows or hard shadows, lighter and darker shadows in different parts, etc. It can help make things feel less flat if you find a way that works for you. Using color palletes for specific drawings like if I were to make a character drawing in purple, using the purple equivalent of colors instead of using the character's normal colors can be a fun thing to try out Trying something different from your normal style or mood of drawing can test you and you may learn new stuff from it that you can implement into your art Idk what to suggest tbh

  • > ★astro★ Oh yeah I’ve definitely noticed that, I wasn’t a hundred percent sure until now though. I hope this doesn’t sound like bragging, I just think it’s absurd. The last drawing I posted is my most well received drawing and it’s just some unfinished drawings of grass. So yeah I’ve been trying to find some analog ways to add color to drawings since I’ve been unmotivated to do digital. Your advice definitely motivates me to keep searching. Thank you so much, sorry this is long and kinda off topic. And thank you so much for commenting!

  • well this probably isn't good advice but it's what I have with art in general on this site, I tend to see more color = more attention. like with your most recent drawing, the landscape, it's got a lot of colors and detail that makes that color pop. with some of your other drawings, (and hey this isn't just you, I mean look at a lot of my sketches) they don't have as much color so there's less appeal (idk how to phrase this but it's still good art) what I'm trying to say is a lot of good art has a lot of color. it might be a ton more work but it's gonna make it look better I promise. again very bad advice but advice nonetheless


Ok so tell me something interesting about your oc's again
but this time it's something very obscure intricate detail you added that is cool and also hard to notice if that makes sense?

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  • > Sewer Monster :)

  • > NufinThing Oh yes perfect these are amazing Thank you so much!

  • okay, um Kazoo's hairstyle mimics Levi's as they see him as an older sibling figure and look up to him Seraia has a flower bracelet which is a link to her pen pal who's a florist Some of my 'sorta ghost?' ocs have signs of their cause of death Vivianne's symbol on their cloak has four lines around the main V; this represents themself and the fact they actually have four arms Vibe has multiple shaped beads on his jacket since that also represents the shapes his eye can turn into One time, I created an alternative version of an oc called Poppy, and I purposefully didn't add details to the eye because that reflects the original Poppy

  • > Hopeful Heroine Oh yeah that’s like a perfect example of what I’m talking about I love little details like that thank you


Mario movie trailer just came out

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  • > ▪️ ɴᴀʀᴜᴅʏɴᴇ • ɢᴇᴀʀ ▪️ No yeah he’s great I just don’t think it fits Mario. Although that might mainly be because he’s in other different movies so it feels weird. Also yeah that would have been painful if Toad sounded more like Toad so that’s good.

  • > Mr.Sewer Monster No problem, I'm personally fine with Chris Pratt's voice but it feels off to me it was for another character I think Bowser was good and I like the look of it overall. I'm glad Toad's voice isn't too harsh on the least in my opinion

  • > ▪️ ɴᴀʀᴜᴅʏɴᴇ • ɢᴇᴀʀ ▪️ It was pretty good, I’m not really sure about Chris Pratts voice though since he said it was going to sound different but it sounds practically the same. Jack Black did a pretty ok job as Bowser though, and the animation was pretty. Thanks for asking!

  • Thought it was quite good but I expected a bit more, your thoughts?

What’s y’all’s opinions on

Locker rooms?
Do they make you uncomfortable? Do you not care?
And why do you feel that way if you mind me asking?
I don’t know I’m just wondering

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  • > Mr.Sewer Monster Yippee! Im glad you dont gotta deal with it either!

  • > Bacon Brilliance That sucks Good that you don’t gotta deal with it anymore though!

  • > Mr.Sewer Monster Yeah, I never did cause I felt like that'd be looked down upon, since, ugh, males. But I was happy when we didnt have to use them this year!!!!!!

  • > Bacon Brilliance Well that’s good at least Personally I hate them for clear reasons. I’ve always just ducked into a stall to change. Thankfully I don’t have to deal with them this year

So I’ve been trying to figure out what aspects of my art that the small portion of you that I see sort of repeatedly on my art works like. Alas, you guys are too confusing.
If there’s anything else you like that I didn’t add the you can tell me too.
Lastly, if you have some free time and you wouldn’t mind then could you send me a link to art you like most of mine perhaps? If not then that’s alright
Have a wonderful day or night

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  • > Bacon Brilliance Did you just choose every option?

  • > Mr.Sewer Monster too amazing smh also it's oka!

  • > Bacon Brilliance Yeah I know I’m amazing. I meant to turn on multiple options but it didn’t work (it’s on now though) Also sorry I suddenly left

  • Im sorry I genuinely cant pick one, they're all good!!! I know I just seem like I keep saying this, but genuinely there are so many factors that make your art so lovable it's just IDHKOSAJGBJKAHSKOIHASKOINKAOHGDIJNSL

Ok disclaimer for people whom have

Certain adopts from me
If you’ve gotten an adopt from me or something that has to do with a species I made or a story that I made just know that from this point further I am completely disregarding adopts.
By that I mean when I’m writing my story and character I am no longer going to try and figure out how you having a character would fit into that ok?
There are only like two people like this and I apologize
I really tried to make it work but I just can’t
That being said, I still may somehow make it to where it works
Sorry if this doesn’t make sense, feel free to ask questions

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  • > Mr.Sewer Monster Yeah I understand (also ALWAYS CREDIT YOU YES)

  • > Bacon Brilliance No I genuinely don’t care if you do (so long as you don’t take credit, no need to credit me though) I just have a really good idea for the story but in order to do it then it’d be harder for the adopts if that makes sense Knowing me though I’ll probably change it yet again so-

  • Oh, it's okay! I can find a way to put it in my own story mwahahahha, that's if ya dont mind of course! I dont wanna like use YOUR species in MY story ;w;

  • Bro I don’t know I’m tired


I always feel like I use alcohol markers wrong so any tips?
I don’t know the always seem so opaque and they never blend well when I use them
Also any marker recommendations?
Because I haven’t realized how little I know about traditional art until recently

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  • > Hope299GAMES Alright thank you so much this helps a lot!

  • > Mr.Sewer Monster Sorry stuff suddenly came up- Artists loft alcohol markers are known for pigment issues and real lack of quality. Some will even smudge alcohol marker fineliners which like shouldn't happen. If you're considering ohuhu double check the colors you're getting because the colors are pretty bright and opaque most of the time. If you're looking for paler colors they make sets for that along with skin tones deep tones etc etc

  • > MadZ42 Ah dang I was worried that was the case It may just be my skill though lol Thank you so much though!

  • > Mr.Sewer Monster I hear Artist's Loft supplies isn't the best, I recommend Ohuhu alcohol-based markers


What’s something you’re good at drawing or you’ve been complimented on drawing well?
Mine is someone said I draw armor/robots/mechs well
Now I’m not saying I draw those well, but that’s the only time someone said I drew anything well
Anyway, can’t wait to hear your answers

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  • > CherryArtsOwO Honestly I agree

  • I've been complimented on drawing animals :0 Pretty sure they meant furries though because I don't draw normal animals too much.

  • > Soccs 𓆏|🌈 I love my gf <3 Oh very cool! I for one struggle a lot when it comes to making up hairstyles so that’s awesome

  • > Mr.Sewer Monster No, not usually- sometimes I'll scroll a bit through my reference boards if I can't decide what hair style to give a character but that generally ends in, "okay so that's the general shape that I want." Rather than actual referencing

Been a bit since I’ve done this

Tell me some cool stuff about your oc’s
It can be anything
Or you can tell me what you’ve been up to lately

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  • > Hopeful Heroine Oh that actually is really interesting I never would have guessed Thank you for sharing with me

  • > Hope299GAMES Well that’s good to hear at least

  • Hmm.... How about this; My oc Chotsu actually doesn't like rabbits that much. She just likes to have a symbol of them as good luck since it's her Chinese zodiac.

  • > Mr.Sewer Monster Aw that feels nice glad you like my OCs! Yeah true, the thing is I don't entirely get why people find Nicolas out of all of my OCs the most Like I love him but also huh Hopefully, at least I'm for the most part enjoying these projects lol

Mmmm yes

I’m going to use fancy words and speak in a fancy way in order to sound smarter
When in reality I have no idea what I’m talking about

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  • > Mr.Sewer Monster Ah, I see Mr. Sewer Monster. I am pleased that you questioned! You see here, my father constructed and invented new words in the English language, therefore, I have learned English's powerful knowledge that I may or may not am deft at, although despite of that, I do sound intelligent of my words in the clean result!

  • > Muna Sketches It would appear I am rather good at “talking through one’s hat”. Might I inquire though, how is it that you have gained such unfathomable mastery at language?

  • > Mr.Sewer Monster Say... Where in time and space did you gather and collect all of this unimaginable knowledge? It radiates through your voice sound waves.. Despite not knowing yourself of what you speak of.

  • > Muna Sketches Fret not fellow knowledgeable individual. Fore I am utilizing half of these words incorrectly. I have no doubt about the matter.

Taking a request

Send me a reference of your oc and I’ll draw them in clothing from a random time period
Only taking one or two

Now I’m going to go on a rant about my favorite time period with dresses
So I’ve just recently gotten into studying different fashions from different time periods
And I think the time period I love the most for dresses is around the 1870’s
I just love how fluffy yet close fitting they are
Not to mention I’m a lover of lace and frills
I just adore how the fabrics are sewn and pin back in ruffles
Someday I hope I become good enough at sewing to the point I can sew one
They just make me so happy to look at
So yeah that’s all for now thanks for reading!

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  • > Mr.Sewer Monster NUUUUUUU you gib me too much attention, GO DO ALL UR REQUESTS LOL

  • My OC Kanin but with clothes from the 1700s.

  • > Bacon Brilliance Jokes on you cause I was gonna draw one of your oc’s anyway fool But if you wanna give me one that’s cool too

  • too late 😔