일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

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PurpleB32 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!

PurpleB32 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!

PurpleB32 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!

Theorize this character:#1 Venus Black

Since I haven't said much about her, I decided to reveal some info about her, to give you guys a general idea of her and what she's essentially about. She will appear in the superhero comic eventually.

Venus black calls her nieces and nephews, 'Apple heads'
Venus Black is afraid of planes, she says "she doesn't want to go out that way, ever again"
Venus black hates the number 150, she's quite paranoid of it.
Venus Black was dancing and singing before she was talking.
Venus Black's nicknames are 'baby girl', 'John Jay smith' or 'the gloved one'
Venus black can do ANY michael jackson dance on one go, just by hearing the song, she says that it feels 'oddly familiar, like she's done it before so many times before'
Venus Black can speak six languages, she says spanish was one of the easiest ones.
Venus Black is actually biracial, but has a race genetic trait which causes her too look purely Caucasian.
Venus is 19 years old, and is dominating the music industry.
Venus Black's real name is Josetta Aida Marie Bourgeois.
Her dad is french and her mother is brazillian/(african)
Venus Black's accent is thickly mixed, it's quite hard to identify and switches with her emotions and language.
She is a salesman for coca cola.
If you read in between these facts carefully, you'll notice a creepy fact about Venus. There's more to her than what we know.

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PurpleB32 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!

Things to do: *Warning long list*

-Finish my pk comic page and publish the first part of the chapter (Done)
-Work on my next superhero comic page
-Upload some illustrations (Will I ever finish this one?)
-Open up some commissions
-Do new years party illustration!!!!
-DO Christmas pictures! (Done)
-Release some character sketches and design sheets
-Do some redraws
-Make two Ballora pictures (FNAF) (DONE!!)
-Release some future comic chapter covers
-Release some pages from my superhero comic future chapters
-Make a zutara illustration
-Make a steven universe illustration (Fusions)
-Read a fairy tail chapter (as of late these chapters have been giving me headaches) (DONE. ugh)
-Work on some screenshots...
-Find my flashdrive (DONE)
-Make Venus Black album wallpaper (Done)


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PurpleB32 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!

Things to do: *Warning long list*

-Finish my pk comic page and publish the first part of the chapter (Done)
-Work on my next superhero comic page
-Upload some illustrations (Will I ever finish this one?)
-Open up some commissions
-Do new years party illustration!!!!
-DO Christmas pictures! (Done)
-Release some character sketches and design sheets
-Do some redraws
-Make two Ballora pictures (FNAF) (DONE!!)
-Release some future comic chapter covers
-Release some pages from my superhero comic future chapters
-Make a zutara illustration
-Make a steven universe illustration (Fusions)
-Read a fairy tail chapter (as of late these chapters have been giving me headaches) (DONE. ugh)
-Work on some screenshots...
-Find my flashdrive (DONE)
-Make Venus Black album wallpaper (Done)


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PurpleB32 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!

So well like this happened...

I was doing some work on my laptop, chilling and was pretty psyched, I mean I had just finished reading my favorite zutara fanfic, and was in a great mood because i had previously sketched out the completed next unknown pokemon page and finishing a superhero comic page. Things were going my Way! I was about to finish my homework to do finish my thanksgiving pictures, till my computer cut off and refused to turn back on again. We spent the whole day desperately trying to get it to work, only to come to the conclusion that it was gone. So this means a LOT of problems for me. I'LL be forced to take a hiatus, until we can get it replaced and not only that I'll be buried under my schoolwork for the next few weeks, but have no Fear! I'll be working on my projects in the meantime, so that when the laptop comes back, I can rush back into the flow of things, and on the brightside I haven't lost any work, it's all saved away on a flash drive.
If you guys want I can upload some traditional styled art, it won't be good but I guess it's better than nothing?

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PurpleB32 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!

So well like this happened...

I was doing some work on my laptop, chilling and was pretty psyched, I mean I had just finished reading my favorite zutara fanfic, and was in a great mood because i had previously sketched out the completed next unknown pokemon page and finishing a superhero comic page. Things were going my Way! I was about to finish my homework to do finish my thanksgiving pictures, till my computer cut off and refused to turn back on again. We spent the whole day desperately trying to get it to work, only to come to the conclusion that it was gone. So this means a LOT of problems for me. I'LL be forced to take a hiatus, until we can get it replaced and not only that I'll be buried under my schoolwork for the next few weeks, but have no Fear! I'll be working on my projects in the meantime, so that when the laptop comes back, I can rush back into the flow of things, and on the brightside I haven't lost any work, it's all saved away on a flash drive.
If you guys want I can upload some traditional styled art, it won't be good but I guess it's better than nothing?

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PurpleB32 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!

So well like this happened...

I was doing some work on my laptop, chilling and was pretty psyched, I mean I had just finished reading my favorite zutara fanfic, and was in a great mood because i had previously sketched out the completed next unknown pokemon page and finishing a superhero comic page. Things were going my Way! I was about to finish my homework to do finish my thanksgiving pictures, till my computer cut off and refused to turn back on again. We spent the whole day desperately trying to get it to work, only to come to the conclusion that it was gone. So this means a LOT of problems for me. I'LL be forced to take a hiatus, until we can get it replaced and not only that I'll be buried under my schoolwork for the next few weeks, but have no Fear! I'll be working on my projects in the meantime, so that when the laptop comes back, I can rush back into the flow of things, and on the brightside I haven't lost any work, it's all saved away on a flash drive.
If you guys want I can upload some traditional styled art, it won't be good but I guess it's better than nothing?

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PurpleB32 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!


I haven't posted in forever, but don't worry! Once we get past October tenth, I'll be able to post more! I'm gonna work on 2 Halloween pictures that's been forever in my head! One for my superhero comic. Meanwhile I'll be working on some unknown Pokémon pages, I'm not sure how to use canvas annotation, but once I figure it out, maybe I'll open it for a bit and you guys can see some of the pages, because I feel so bad for not uploading anything.
I'll even give you guys a small description of the upcoming superhero chapters and guess what? I just found a new screen recorder! Now keep your fingers crossed that I figure out how to work it!

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PurpleB32 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!