일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

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바빠요 Always busy
Chair definition

A chair is a piece of furniture with a raised surface used to sit on, commonly for use by one person. Chairs are most often supported by four legs and have a back, however, a chair can have three legs or could have a different shape. A chair without back or arm rests is a stool, or when raised up, a bar stool. A chair with arms is an armchair, and with folding action and inclining footrest, a recliner. A permanently fixed chair in a train or theater is a seat or, in an airplane, an airline seat; when riding, it is a saddle and bicycle saddle, and for an automobile, a car seat or infant car seat. With wheels it is a wheelchair and when hung from above, a swing. A chair for more than one person is a couch, sofa, settee, or "loveseat" or a bench. A separate footrest for a chair is known as an ottoman, hassock or pouffe.

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I've always been here

Like ffs
I can't post art often because it's now become a slow ass process consisting of sending an email to myself on shitty WiFi, and I think

'why bother posting art? No one will notice that I've been here for years now, plus it's nothing relevant to whatevers going on here'

I was always the odd one out
I'm surprised anyone would want to talk to me because

1. I'm not a "professional" artist
2. I'm just a weird kid

What's the point of trying if I'll just annoy and wreck people's lives by doing nothing?

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