you should
it's fun
I'm not being held hostage

awesomesause_ / sause#0266
Minecraft: NotNowBernard
- Furries
- Memes
- Dragons
- Smol
- Creatures
- Help
- Floof
- Beans
- Babas
- 활동장소:
Red and black (and all the other colours
관심있게 보는 작가
Roald dahl, Lemony snicket
앞으로의 과제/목표
Make everyone happy
배고플때 먹는것
N o t h i n g (unless its chicken or something)

A chair is a piece of furniture with a raised surface used to sit on, commonly for use by one person. Chairs are most often supported by four legs and have a back, however, a chair can have three legs or could have a different shape. A chair without back or arm rests is a stool, or when raised up, a bar stool. A chair with arms is an armchair, and with folding action and inclining footrest, a recliner. A permanently fixed chair in a train or theater is a seat or, in an airplane, an airline seat; when riding, it is a saddle and bicycle saddle, and for an automobile, a car seat or infant car seat. With wheels it is a wheelchair and when hung from above, a swing. A chair for more than one person is a couch, sofa, settee, or "loveseat" or a bench. A separate footrest for a chair is known as an ottoman, hassock or pouffe.
don't let the man bugs beds BiTE
what does the tick next to my name mean idk what half of this new stuff is
> 𖦹 % ViXEN ! 🧠💤 ah thanks! That makes sens e lol
it just means it's your comment
Bro I wanna know too
you'd wanna put your eyes out after seeing my art Shi🅱️
should I post memes every once a billion years or what I don't know
my tablet is so old now
it won't let me update medi or log in
I can't get the nice ass brushes 😭💅💅
Drake and Josh
and Gibby
and Cory
> BushBabyOrigins Kobe
Apparently on the new updated Minecraft launcher on the PC I can get bedrock for free instead of paying again!
I remember in the past there were people who played on bedrock and I couldn't cause I had Java so if anyone wanted to play let me know!
Or if there's already a community Minecraft thing can you let me know instead? Thanks lol
have a crappy old drawing as a bonus
it's coming summer 2022 I'm an idiot sorry lmao
I'm sad af
hope you all have a good weekend
Enjoy your weekend too, Sause
honestly it makes me laugh and angry at the same time lmao
Eat pant
reddit sucks
made some feral ocs, hopefully I'll draw them digitally 😳
sorry I haven't drawn a lot, stupid growing up and getting a job and GCSEs 😔
I'll be going on holiday, but it's one of those holidays where you go out and about so I won't be improving in art, I haven't drawn in forever now, help
i now know you as "the meme guy"
is there still a medibang family? Or is everyone gone now?
well damn
I made a new Medi family but mostly everyone is gone now :(
i remember being in a medibang family. everyone either got frozen or left. the chat died after awhile
I'm, I'm here I'm myself
I'm sorry for venting a lot here, I'm sad as hell that I haven't been able to be here all the time and it's changed so much I don't know how I fit here anymore.
Life is currently annoying af but I might be getting dad's old tablet to use soon which is way better than my crappy one right now and if a picture is 1MB it slows everything down
Again I'm sorry and I'll try my best with what I have right now
I don't know if I should but if people wanted I could?
what do I need to do here
I'm literally like a newcomer here again smh
sadly on PC I need to get bedrock soon tho
i saw it in your bio so i thought i'd ask
hey hey hey what do you play MC on? if you play on PS4 we could play it together :>
Like ffs
I can't post art often because it's now become a slow ass process consisting of sending an email to myself on shitty WiFi, and I think
'why bother posting art? No one will notice that I've been here for years now, plus it's nothing relevant to whatevers going on here'
I was always the odd one out
I'm surprised anyone would want to talk to me because
1. I'm not a "professional" artist
2. I'm just a weird kid
What's the point of trying if I'll just annoy and wreck people's lives by doing nothing?
smh my head
I don't have enough "relevance points" to be noticed
I've been here for a long time
Just like everyone else
I just sit and hide
Imagine saying "remember the good times haha"
They're not coming back
make new good times
popular youtube animators came and left because they don't care
no one can talk anymore
this place is going downhill
Yeah But we will continue to thrive!!
If you want to actually be my friend then meet me on other places! owo
Steam: 888758551 (use quick invite)
Minecraft: AwesomeSause_ (ask me for Microsoft cause I forgot)
I can't remember anything else
But wait till I get a mofo'ing new tablet, then I'll show em
I'll show em all
That I can feckin draw stuff
Let's worship crossout in a cult come on everyone
stupid a$$ furry 😩
I see y'all still enjoying your Gen Z reign on here don't mind me posting memes I really hate this place #medibang #omg #artartart 😳😳😳😳😳😳
do it I dare u 😳😳
For saying how many racoons can fit up someone's ass
(It's 2 btw)
> T€AN KïP I had a stroke typing it 😳😳
I had a stroke trying to read this XD