I'm on so many drugs.... I'm so confused about everything,
( I'm fine got my wisdom teeth a couple days ago so I've been recovering from my wisdom teeth being stolen from me but it's been weird )

- Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIVOx-ZWUUUScicQnK0-UHw/featured
- Art Fight : https://artfight.net/~Char_less
what does this purple checkmark mean???
im so confused help me
I don't follow anymore people
yes i do have child humor and you can't stop me
> !¡Tora!¡🐅 yeah lol kinda took a break from here XD i wanna be more active but tbh I've said that a lot and yet I post every like 6 months
i thoguht you died tbh
Happy pride month yall ( sorry for bad drawing i will make a better one soon ) somewhat of an update, I understand I do not post often and that some people might probably think i am going to leave med but no I am not ( at least I am not planning it ) If you sinserly love my content that much please feel free to head on to my yt channel where I post alot more frecently. Anyway I am trying to set up a set scheduale to post and I think posting every 2 weeks will probably be my schedualed time. ( yes I am aware I conot spell ) Anyway besideds that I don't have much to say so I wish you all a merry pride month ( yes I am also aware that it is happy pride month but I dont care )
Link to my yt channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIVOx-ZWUUUScicQnK0-UHw/about
> Dragonfruit the icewing/rainwing ok
> vivlz6670 no it is me but i see the resemblence I will at some point draw a better pride month thing for me my oc
is that anemone??? also merry pride month to you too
If you don't know Wings of fire was going to make a tv show but unfortunately it was cancelled due to this there has been a petition made to where you can sign with your name and hopefully get the attention so then the show can be back on production. ( the link down below is to the petition please consider signing it )
here is a link to the info on the WOF TV series if you are confused on what I am talking about:
why tho????
:(((((((((( bruh
WHAT- there was a TV series?!? i would've been so excited!! D=
* gremlin noises *
6, b, #, 💚
please go to my page and my first post will be about requests
or please click the link and put in a request.
Bro my this animation frame looks like a nightmare
> vivlz6670 poo
Wine red and grape
uhh hey sorry yall for like bieng dead for awhile. I am gonna finish requests please i will finish them at somepoint so like ya just wanted to let yall know.
> Dragon * casually sweeps the sky * oh nice seeing you here
Why was she sweeping the sky from the roof?! 😂
this is what happens when a person who has only been drawing dragons since they have been born who tries to draw a human.
you will have your own privacy ill be monatering the chat and make sure people are nice
you dont need to use your voice you can just use chat and no need to have your face cam on
ill be drawing or just talking to you all and i might make a whiteboard to for you all to join
if alot of people say yes i will prob make it in 30 min to an hour
So I'm now old
ahgsws hi hjaj my back
Happy Birthday DragonFruit! 🎁
Happy Birthday!! :D
> vivlz6670 yes yes i do
you enjoy 3 am videos
> Dragonfruit Noice!
> Dragon ok yes on loving cats and yes/no on the impostor part XD. I usually like being impostor just because i like being sneaky but i awlwase overthink it and i usually lose as the impostor XD
of you join?
i would prob make the meet in 3-4 hours
> Dragon XD thank you
I wish I could but I can't. I saw your map part with Anemone a few days ago and its really cool!
its actually a comic and ill prob post it here on my comics.
i am thinking about redrawing it and making it not as ugly ._.
but here is the first page of it. Its from one of the wof books on turtles book for i liturature class
feel free to cry over how ugly it is cuz i am
This is like what my old comics used to be like! And when this says "a hole appeared that was called to suck Anemone and turtle to a place," that's just bootyful. Best quote of the year. 👌
> ✨GhostTheBeast✨ I just looked at what I wrote and relized that I sound stupid for saying I didnt get starbucks ._.
> ✨GhostTheBeast✨ All I ever wanted was a cup of Starbucks this summer and I wasnt even able to get that
> ✨GhostTheBeast✨ BbbbBbbbrRuHHhhhHh I'm just mad cuz like I was sick for like 6 weeks with the virus then I got sick with a respiratory infection in the summer and missed most of it TcT
My school starts on September 1
your thoughts?
my childhood pog (i used to read a TON of WoF books)
I thought: OwO pretty dragons, pretty art style!
Mine were :0 DRAGONS And they look good too
midnight questions with dragonfruit who am i?
A mix of Poly and Floopsy
i know nothing about you so im gonna guess boop
Idk I heard of a couple people talking about it and like I have no idea what's it about uhh please somone help me know what it is and or if I can join in XD
This is the first I’m hearing about it
i have literally no idea
> shitass ya i think so to but like idk i just am worried about making a post like that and somone say 'oh uhh thats not what the prom is ._.' XD
if i had to guess people just draw ocs in a prom outfit
I think orange fits you!
I think orange and red fit well
i have an idea of who i might be but i want to see how yall see me XDXDXDXDXDXDDXDXD ._.
> vivlz6670 way to true becasue i actually am lactose intolerant
dark jimmie
I am Henry for sure. I eat way too much. I have a stomach ache right now lol
> Dragon yes i scream way to much than i need to XD
hope you all enjoy
looks good! i like that drip thing, that looked rlly good lol
when your body feel like jello and it feels like needles are stabing you all at the same time
i was tested positive with covid
my body hates me
I’ve only ever experienced those feelings separately. I hope that you get better soon!
Nuuuuuuuuuu I hope u get better soon TnT
this is gonna be a animation but on queen snowfall talking to opal
ill be postiung the animation on my yt once its done ill make a post on the thumbnail with a link to it XD
just wanted to post this so yall know im working on stuff .v.
> Dragonfruit i just read for like an hour straight and now im at the second part-
> vivlz6670 wha u good?
*cries in half way through*
> HeadHonchoCodex Same
> vivlz6670 ok
it means u done all the stuff do be get the creator badge i think idk