Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

So I saw people posting about there fear

Here are my fears

1. Heights

2. The dark (ya ik it's stupid but any time I'm in the dark I freak out)

3. The deep end in pools (especially if I cant see the bottom i freak out and rush as fast as a can back to shore)

I only really have 3 fears unless if you include having close friends and bieng yelled at

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  • I have a mild fear of blood. Not cartoon blood. I also have a fear of bugs.(Not helpful that bugs are near my house.)

  • I also have like a fear of being forgotten and like everyone dying because of my mistakes... Ya......... I think I'm going crazy.

I am... Turbo or Techno

Lol I think I'm tubo

Also if yall are seeing this I'm surprised cuz like I'm in the middle of the woods and have horrible service XD. I desired to still go on the vaca while I'm sick cuz like I've been wanting to go on this trip for awhile so like .v.

But I took this test so apparently I'm a clingy orphan killer who everyone seems to like. (if you have no idea what I'm talking about your not a dream smp fan)

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  • As you can see my phone is dying Also I spelled tubo wrong XD

Oh piglet were very similar



I have alot if anxiety.

My goodness

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  • > Dragonfruit Oh im sorry that your parents brush it off like nothing or think its anoying a lot of pepole think my anxtiey is anoying to . if you ever want to talk im hear

  • > Shadow666 Ya... I'm currently not on any pills or medicine even to help control my anxiety so my anxiety is rn shooting threw the roof. Doesnt really help ether when all your parents do is brush it of and call you annoying heh... But I'm glad your getting help so that's good XD

  • > Shadow666 Wich is good ... If you ever want to talk or are haveing anxiety you can just talk to me i know talking helps

  • I have a lot of anxiety to im achuly on 2 pills of my medication so my score is a lot lower than it wold be lol

Ask and you shall receive

Ask me stuff or else you wont know

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  • > Dragon I have 2 cats and by in the community I'm just like straight so no I dont think that makes my part of the LGBT+ community.

  • How much cats do you have? Also I've been wondering, are you in the LGBTQ+ community?

  • > Dragonfruit Oh lol

  • > corne3t ... We have school and like the internet And also like kindergarteners also have boyfriends\girlfriends it's not that uncommon

Word of advice

Next time you get imposter DONT defend the other imposter unless if you have somewhat proof or fake resenobale proof that they could be safe because I was playing among us and I was the imposter with on other one and they were dragging me down with them (they were saying that I watched them scan and crap like that) and were gonna get me killed so I denied what they were saying and they basicly said oh were playing that game now it's me and red (red is my color) so I told them bish is me and friken white now get there ugly as out of here. Then after the game like 2 people were geting mad at me.

If you are wondering what white did wrong what they did is they basicly screwed their teammate and after the teammate was trying to survive so they could win they just told them its red so thats known as bad teamwork and sportmanship.

Sorry for language and I understand if you do this as a tactic but honestly when you do it your basicly just telling everyone who is your teammate as imposter.

Also sorry cuz this was a rant but like this made me so mad XD

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Can y'all help me figure this out please

I've heard that people think the word ree is a bad word do any of you know why and if you can could you calmly explain why?

(Please don't get mad at me for saying or asking about this I am just wondering cuz I'm totally confused I've heard autistic people are usually people who take offense to this word and I think I might be autistic but I find this word not offensive if you know why people think this is a bad word again please explain calmly why that is?)

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  • some people think its bad either way but like no its originally just a meme of like an overreaction but if your using it as a slur than thats the only bad variation. i swear im leaving the wof wiki its like whenever you try to have a different opinion and its actually pretty decent they just bring you down and tell you to the leave the wiki. the wiki broke me mentally and i just cant have any fun on there because im always called names just for having a slightly controversial opinion and its infuriating but i cant speak up about it because ill just be canceled. (sorry that i brought up the wof wiki its just that the reason why my friend made this post was because i was being canceled on one thread that brought up the argument. honestly im just going to move to medibang and stay here forever and once im old enough probably move to da or something. sorry if this was random just a quick psa.)

  • > DB Ok thank you and I completely agree with you reeeeeee is just another funny sound that people use and I hate to see people get mad when others say it even tho it's not to be offensive at all.

  • My mom works with life skills kids (mentally disabled) and she says she doesnt like any screaming at all. But ree on the other and is fine, as long as you arent mimicking mentally disabled people. Im my opinion a sound souldnt be offensive unless mimicking something like that. Idk if that makes sense or not.

  • > corne3t Lol idk if that's true that's why I'm asking so I can have other opinions on here so I can see why people might think that it's offensive


Again yes I'm working in the comic just it's taking a long friken time I think if I start my comic I won't be able to post as much but I'll try to post as often as I can while working on my comic.

Btw if you would like to help me with my comic series and making it comment it and I can add you into a group were you get access to edit the comics so you can help me. (No you won't get paid if you help out it's more of a volunteer thing but all you have to be able to do is the ability to speak and be able to draw and it doesn't matter how you draw it just has to look somewhat like the style the comic will be I will be doing the line work just need a little help on the coloring or ideas on how to word things and if you do join and I see you telling others what is on the future comics I will ban you from the group chat and you will be no longer allowed to help out on the project the group chat is just something I'm doing so I can see if I can get some help with the project because at this point it will be hard for me to post daily)

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  • > corne3t Ok whats just gonna happen is that you'll be put in a group chat to were I will explain more in detail what to do.

  • ooo i could also help with grammar too (although im not the best at grammar but more at spelling as you can see here)

  • ok soo id love to help. maybe with the coloring, because i dont think i could imatait (i cant speell)) your artstyle. of course you kinda have to tell me what to do and what colors and stuff but you can just give mee a ref sheet. ok thanks. if you want for info on what i can do than message me pls. otherwise yes i would love to help and i might join the group (if you made it laready).