Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Facial expressions

Here are some expressions for y’all! They’re not the best but maybe you could get some ideas and look up facial expressions too.
Hopefully this kind of helped!

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  • Me: how does one art? Magjic: * arts masterpieces wiff PEN!? * Me: Art 0. Magjic: Art 100000000000000000000000000 Total: mice suck at art cuz their fat paws can't use a pencil correctly


  • woah, these are really good! :00

  • > Fuzzy Butter20 You’re welcome fuzzy! <3

Magjic left a comment!


Before I mention this ink drawing thing, I'd like to kinda announce something. I sorta have an oc! Today we were given like 30 min of free time in class which was like a miracle considering school is always so busy. But yea,in that time, I was just listening to my music and doodling, and I started drawing a character of my own and I decided to keep it. So I present to you, Oliver! This is kinda weird cuz he just came out of nowhere but I promise to make a drawing dedicated to him and his traits and all. I was stuck on what to draw for "sword" so I just drew Oliver holding a sword so yea.

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