Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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What is mio

Mio is actually a demon in disguise as a human. She didnt want to live in the underworld because if how scary,brutal and cruel it is, so she same to the planet greenbird, where all Unordinary People live. There she met scarlet, raven and enziel.
I dunno what im going to make scarlet Yet. Maybe He'll Be Healer.
Yes Scarlet Is Boy Diguised As A Girl, Because He Is Gay. Scarlet And Mio Are Best Friends Even Tho mio Knew scarlet Was A Boy She kept Her Mouth Shut Because She Didnt Want To Lose Her Friend. Mio Oftenly Gets A Little home Sick Because She Misses Her Family Alot. Mio also Has A crush On A Stubborn Ass Hole Named Enziel. He likes mio a whole lot, but he has a bad habbit of showing it. But Scarlet LIikes Enziel to. So Basically THere ARE two Friends FIGhting FOR one guyy
But They Dont Let A Boy Get In The Way Of Their Friendship and

Which Demon Design Looks Better To Youu
I Like The First One More

I Had A Nose Bleed Today Becuase I Blew My Nose To Hard
I Like Nose Bleedss
I Like How I Taste the Blood Dripping Down My Throat
Because It Tastes Warm

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Magjic left a comment!

Hey so, update

Ngl it seems like there's a bunch of illiterate toddlers on this website that need to calm the hell down

I'm not sure how much I'm interested in staying too active vocally on here anymore, considering most of the people on here are probably age 10 to 15 and can't handle most things I'll probably post? I'm still going to post art but it's not going to be as frequent as I tried to be lately

Even then i've met some p cool people on here ngl, shout-out to those cool af peeps

If you want me more frequently I'm active on ig and tumblr @pepbirb, I also have a discord but message me abt that one ;9

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