Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2 hours / Day
I draw mostly on weekends, but when I have time I always draw :)
I re-drew my first post online!

This was the first place I EVER shared my art! I definitely wasn’t the best when I joined XP
The first image is the before and the second is after.
I am still working on shading, I think I just need some more practice
I changed the angle, the hair, and how I did pretty much everything XD
Something I improved on is taking my time, I used to rush through my drawings until I realized I have to be patient if I want good results. ( most difficult change in my life )
Anyways, see you guys! :D

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* throws open door and parades in * WHOOP
yeah ;-;
Sorry :’|
Gonna be re drawing my first post here! I have gotten ALOT better since then ( and a LITTLE more mature )
I have been doing well, my pets are mostly fine, coco is doing very well! How long has it even been?! XP
I will TRY to post a bit more, but ya know
See ya later! :D

Here is a poof to keep you guys content until I am finished drawing XD

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  • * I meant like a year that I have been on :p


Olive gets a new pony ( R.I.P. Tabby )

He was in a lot of pain, at least he feels better now.
I am thinking about saving up my money to get a custom done of him
We will bury him in his pen, so his ghost can haunt the squirrels that run in the trees, and he can terrorize all the wild animals that run around.
Anyways, my brother just hurt himself so I gotta go probably help him
See you guys soon

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  • That must be hard I was also sad when I lost one of my cats not to long ago he was a good cat now he is one of my OCs

  • Poor thing.. at least hes not in pain anymore and gets to enjoy haunting other animals

  • > Strange Creature Poor Baby

  • > ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ Yes, he wasn’t doing very well though.

He might be ok?

So from what I heard was that taboo had something that he had before when he was younger and if the medications the vet gave him don’t work then we have to put him down. :[
He might get better though, and I hope that’s what will happen.
I think what he has is called colic???
Idk if ‘ he has ‘ is the right way to say that....
Can someone who knows this stuff tell me the right way to say that?
I need to do my research :p
I might delete all the stuff I said about tabby cause I am embarrassing myself XP

U guys are nice though and don’t mind me being stupid so maybe I will keep this up if I can talk myself into it

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  • Aw man, i hope he gets better :(

KitKat found her minis

The kittens have leukemia........
They will still live maybe 3 years, possibly longer!
We are going to give them to a good home ( together )
We are keeping them at my grandmothers house rn, and KitKat found them and is fascinated XD

They are fighting rn and squealing and sage ( our dog ) is confused.

This is great XD

We have to keep the kittens ( we are calling them coco and coconut )
Separate from our cats because KitKat or tiger lily could get leukemia from them :p

I am trying not to be like “ omg I have kittens and you don’t hahahhah “

But i wanna tell someone about them because I don’t get to tell people at Kung fu :p ( and who else am I going to share this pic to? )

Sorry if I am bragging :( * gives cookie *

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  • Kittens

  • > ʙʀɪʟʟᴇʀ XD yeah

  • > Banana Cat Yeah :( I think Hazel ( their mom ) has it, and they got it from her :<

  • > Welcome To The House Of Kaiser The new owner could give them medicine, or when they begin to get very sick they could put them down.


1. A pic of a horse head I drew using a book my grandparents got me ( I did the mane myself [ explaining why it’s so bad XD ] )
2. A pic of some sketches I didn’t like ( I like the bottom one a little bit ), how I trace, is I put my paper to the screen, and draw the shapes for the body ( and maybe if I find a leg or the head difficult to draw, I will go over the outline lightly. )
Idk if that’s bad, and if it is I will take down the pics ( just let me know please D: )
3. A finished pic where I traced the just the shapes at the beginning ( don’t mind the title I gave it )
I like the front half and the tail but I don’t like the back legs

Ty and bai :3

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  • > Banana Cat Tysm :D

  • Keep up the great work!! :)

  • These are so good, Mousey!!!

  • > ΔҜUMU悪夢 Yey ty :D

Ummm....... I have a question guys.....

If you trace over.... oh let’s say a picture of a horse to get the shapes and proportions right ( cause I didn’t :’D ) does that count as like BAD tracing? I don’t want to post the pic in case it is.
I didn’t copy it exactly though, so that’s why I think it COULD be ok but i don’t wanna take any risks.

The first time I did it I copied the pose too, but the second time I changed it.
I am trying to slowly get used to the size things like the legs or the head of the horse, so I could draw them without having to go over a photo.

I wanted to show you guys the second pic, but idk if tracing a photo is the same as tracing somone’s art.

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  • > Ivy Muffyn Tysm for pointing that out to me again, I kinda forgot, maybe I should go watch sum YouTube on the subject XD Ty for being super nice! ( pretty much all of u on here are really nice :3 [ boy am I glad XD ] ) HOPE U HAVE A GREAT DAYYYYYYYY! ( or night ) I will later post a pic of one that isn’t traced ( I will also post with that a few sketches that explain HOW I trace) I think I did okish on it.

  • Dude, dude, sometimes a LARGE part of learning and growing as an artist is TRACING. As long as you dont trace and claim it's yours, you're so golden. Tracing is completely acceptable. I will personally fight anyone who says it isn't, you post that fabulous picture

  • I won’t be posting it, but I will continue to practice using what I have been doing until I can do it all by myself :3

  • > TitaniumPegasus Thank you also!

Kitten update......

We are down to two, the white one with a tail got ( I am pretty sure ) ammonia and the two calicos got sick

Down to my moms baby ( the last white one ) and the black one

Hope they live
Btw, my mom MIGHT M I G H T be able to convince ( idk what to call him ) [ he isn’t my dad ] to keep little white poof :>

Nat gonna get my hopes up though.

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  • > IDRAWHORSES Hmmm who knows

  • > Pikachugirl gaming Ohhhhhh WHAT IF THEY ARE FROM SAILOR MOON?! or are they imposters.................

  • Ohh the two kittens that are still alive remind me of the two cats from sailor moon Luna and idk the other cats name but one is black the other Is white

R.I.P. Bunny the cat

We think a coyote got to him :(
That was a while ago now ( like months ) and I was pretty sad.

Hazel is doing AMAZING though, and she recently went to the vet and got fixed so no more kittens.


Before she went to the vet she had 5 kittens! ( they are probably just over a month old )

They are living in my moms house ( I only go there 2 times a week )
And four have no tails, the one with a tail though has been wet all the time ( might have kept falling in the water dish or be getting peed on ) so he is probably going to pass away today or sometime soon.

Hazel was sent back to the house we go to like every other weekend and she is chilling with ember ( her only surviving son there )
And we are trying to find homes for the kittens

We can’t keep any ;-;

( the one in the picture is the one I think my mom calls little bit XD )

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  • > Banana Cat Ty XD

  • > Pikachugirl gaming Awwwe Well, it’s just what happens :( But at least I have nice little hazey! * Hazel tries to attack me *

  • > ΔҜUMU悪夢 I really hope we get to keep one of the remaining ones

  • You have such beautiful pets 😭😍


So the ONE time in my life that I was guaranteed at least once a week I could talk to a person who rides horses.......

It ended up never happening :(

She was gonna join Kung fu, but I don’t think she is going to do it.

One of the things I want most in my life, is to learn to ride horses.
Sometimes I think it makes me sound like 5 and I am saying:
I want a unicorn for my birthday!!!

But at least learning how to ride them is ACTUALLY POSSIBLE XD
I haven’t felt like asking my mom for lessons though because I am afraid she will say no and it will be really embarrassing XP

I actually don’t even know of any stables that give lessons around us...

Should think that through more :|

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  • > IDRAWHORSES Yeah lol It’s more work than people realise

  • > A Large Cuppa Salt To Go Eekkkkk Yeah maybe not the life for me. You’d think that after watching hundreds of videos on the subject I would have realized that I would NOT be cut out for owning a horse :p Maybe in the distant future when I am hopefully not lazy XP

  • > IDRAWHORSES It’s ALOT of work I used to have to get up at 5am every day to feed/turn out my horse and then go to school and come home and ride said horse and bath horse and do homework and then feed horse/bring her in to her stable

  • > A Large Cuppa Salt To Go Yeah, like I said I should think it through before I am sure I would like to ask my mom. I am also pretty lazy, so that’s also a problem if I need to take care of the horse....

Kinda important but not really XP

I wanna start from scratch.
I don’t like the backstories I have given my ocs ( if they even have one XD ) and I don’t enjoy their designs as much as I did when I created them.
Heck, I haven’t drawn any of my human ocs in like a month XP
So I was wondering if you guys think I should start over, with fewer ocs?
Olive might appear every now and again ( she was my first human oc I am pretty sure EVER ) but other than that everyone else might go.
Ty for reading! Baiiiiiiii

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  • It's totally fine if you wanna start over!

  • > Weo Yeah, sometimes it is :)

  • It's good to start over.

And another post?

So I wanted to acknowledge that I have SEVENTY followers!!!


( sees JasmineLeaf has 130 )

Kk not too famous.....

Anyways, I am glad I am friends with all 70 of you!

I don’t think irl I could have that many without forgetting names...
Or on here............



sorry this is getting long.
Baiii have a FABULOSSSSSSS day or night!

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  • > Banana Cat Pfffttttt Go look at my old art/ my most “recent” pics in my gallery o.o

  • > A Large Cuppa Salt To Go YAY I AM EVEN MORE “ FAMOUS “ :D

  • Congrats boi!!! You deserve way more

  • seventyONE HA!


I am boredz

* sigh *
* sigh *
* sigh *
* sigh *
I should probably draw something, maybe work on some anatomy or whatever
Maybe I could clean up some stuff for Easter dinner tomorrow
Maybe I could keep complaining to you guys
Or maybe I could go jump off a cliff

I like that last one.......

* jumps off cliff *

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  • NO! Nobody is going to die. *grabs mousy and kept her away from the cliff THATS ENOUGH, NOBODY IS SUICIDING. DONT BE A SILLY CHILD. *mothering protecting pose STAY AWAY FROM DA CLIFF.

  • I'm planning to commit suicide. Jk

  • > Daydreamer :( I really hope one day you will be happy again