插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

0.8 小时 / 日


Just finished final exams

My name 👤 is 💦🅰 Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. 👴 My house 🏠 is in the 🗺 northeast section 📦📦 of 💦 Morioh, where 😾😾 all 👦 the 🔥⚰ villas are, 👏 and I 👨 am not 🚋 married. 👰👰 I work 📤 as 🕛🅱 an 👏💕 employee 👤 for the 👏 Kame Yu department stores, and ❤👏 I 😐👁 get home 🏡 every day 🕛☀ by 🌈🏳 8 ✊ PM ⏱ at 💁 the 👏 latest. 💩 I 💦🅱 don't 🚫 smoke, 🚬🚬 but 💏🤔 I 😊 occasionally drink. 🥛💦 I'm 👁 in bed by 🌈⚡ 11 PM, ⏱ and 👏 make sure 👍😉 I get 🥈👅 eight hours 🥋 of 💤 sleep, no 😻😣 matter 😡 what. After 🔜 having a glass 🍸🍷 of 💦💰 warm ☀ milk and ➕👏 doing about twenty 🎊🎊 minutes of 👯 stretches before going ♂ to 💦💰 bed, 🛏☠ I 👤 usually have 👏🈶 no 😩🚫 problems sleeping until morning. 🌇🌅 Just 👏😡 like 😄 a baby, 😫👶 I wake ⏰ up without ♀💯 any ♀😱 fatigue 😩 or 💁 stress 😔 in 😅 the 👏⛪ morning. 🌞👏 I was 🤣 told 👩🗨 there ✖ were 👶🚶 no 🏼🚫 issues at 💰👨 my 🙋 last check-up. I'm 👁👁 trying 😼😔 to 🙏♂ explain 💬 that I'm a person 😡 who wishes to 💦 live 🏻 a very 👤 quiet 🙊😡 life. I 👁👁 take care not ❌😡 to 🗣😂 trouble myself with ♠ any 📨💦 enemies, like winning 🏅 and losing, 👏👏 that would 😂 cause me to 💴 lose sleep 🛌🛌 at night. 😴😴 That is 😯 how 🤔💯 I deal with 😣 society, and I know that ⏪ is 🅰😠 what 😦😅 brings me 😛🙋 happiness. 💕💕 Although, 😛 if 👏 I 👀🙋 were 😲 to ✌👋 fight 😡 I 👈🏻 wouldn't lose to anyone. ♀
