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I've only watch/currently watching 6 of these 😅
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Hopeful Heroine liked!
I've only watch/currently watching 6 of these 😅
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Hopeful Heroine liked!
Hopeful Heroine liked!
♥️M A L I C E ♠️
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Character design sketch 4, Luna Lee Lawrence
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Hopeful Heroine liked!
Inktober #4
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[Creature] Day 6
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Hopeful Heroine liked!
Hey all!
I created a November drawing challenge called DrawVember!! It would be amazing if you guys joined it. These can be done with any art supplies and can be done digitally or traditionally! I'd be super happy if you did this challenge in November :DDDD
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Hopeful Heroine liked!
Happy early bday sebby
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Character design sketch 2, Candy Baker
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💜 Keisha 💜 (gift)
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Character design sketch, Dusk Woods
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October 4 little miss fortune
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It's taken longer than this video because I watched the whole thing https://youtu.be/im59t8WDQ4g
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It's taken longer than this video because I watched the whole thing https://youtu.be/im59t8WDQ4g
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Entry for Hopeful Heroine's DTIYS
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Entry for Hopeful Heroine's DTIYS
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Hopeful Heroine liked!
Aino reference sheet
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how do draw blood
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He is the chosen one
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I have some playlists for some of my stories, not all of them, but here's 3
The Prince Searches for a Wife Again Today - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2nTo7LkDUPr6wctbqgD9em?si=6Ah4Tt2JTv-8CMozFLSM8g&utm_source=copy-link
The Xeron Effect - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/04yJotih18n72EnWhQXimS?si=BKyu-uy6Taq3mFEXM402nA&utm_source=copy-link
Demon Division - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2k6uiS7bD2yIYeewkMALfS?si=ao7wBMcbRVCEQ-OHmmulRA&utm_source=copy-link
I have more story playlists but here's 3 for now
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