Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
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Hello! (after a long time 👊😭 xd)

¡Hola! (después de mucho tiempo 👊😭 xd)
No me odies 😳/Don't hate me 😳
Merry Christmas! uh, i honestly didn't post anything because NO! I understand the new updates from medibang :/ ....

Pass the year and do not take me subjects (I do not know how secondary schools will be in your countries; because I am from Argentina) :)

¡Feliz Navidad! uh, honestamente no publiqué nada porque ¡NO! Entiendo las nuevas actualizaciones de medibang :/ ...

Pasa el año y no me lleves asignaturas (no sé cómo serán las escuelas secundarias en tus países; porque soy de Argentina) :)
Chau/ Goodbye

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well these are the characters of "El Choro" yep they are 7 and a dog
And Perrita
I want to remember that El Choro "IS AN ORIGINAL SERIES CREATED BY ME" I also want to emphasize that ALL the characters of El Choro are heterosexual.
Well .. Choro is an expression from my country (Argentina) that is actually pronounced Corro si with double r, and with that expression we refer to "thieves". I gave the series that name because I was only a 7-year-old girl who had discovered a new word but now I have the excuse that it is called this way because of the fauna of the country that these characters inhabit (Faith a country that I invent xd)
Goo bye~

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