Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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My rabbit wont eat, hasn't pooped very much, and isn't really moving. I'm pretty sure she has a GI block or something like that, aND I'm gonna try and get my mom to take us to the vet tomorrow morning, but I'm not sure if she's gonna make it through the night. If anyone knows anything I can do tonight to help her please tell me. I don't want her to die and all I can do right now is put some food near here and hope she eats it. I really need help,my tears aren't doing much .

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My rabbit wont eat, hasn't pooped very much, and isn't really moving. I'm pretty sure she has a GI block or something like that, aND I'm gonna try and get my mom to take us to the vet tomorrow morning, but I'm not sure if she's gonna make it through the night. If anyone knows anything I can do tonight to help her please tell me. I don't want her to die and all I can do right now is put some food near here and hope she eats it. I really need help,my tears aren't doing much .

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El licenciadoh de las monitas chinas ahr

Quería hacer algo parecido hace tiempo xd, el Ivan c fue a estudiar su licenciatura en derecho lol but esta es mi manera de cambiar el diseño de desperdicio, no tengo nada en contra de los emos ni de la gente de color, se supone que solo es un tipo que la sushi secuestro ksual, igual creoh que necesita un nombre, no quiero dar ideas equivocadas ':v ah seh y el rubiesito de mis dreams ahora es parte del team but suena raro decir que es mi oc idk why but es raro

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  • Afdxvgf por un momento me olvidé de que la pomme existe F

  • Que buena historia xd a cruzar los dedos para que se gradue ahe