I've made an insta account so if you have insta you can follow me their now :D https://www.instagram.com/kdragonair/

Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 17
Birthday: March 7th
- Animals
- Humans(females cuz I suck at drawing males right now)
- Work Place:MyRoom
- Gender:Female
Favorite artwork
Artwork by Clockbirds, Neytirix and Hanacue
Favorite music
If it sounds good I'll listen to it
Favorite color
Blue and Purple
Thing you interested in
Anime, Animation, Video Games (guilty gear strive currently)
Things you always carry
Pen tablet
Wacom Intuos
MediBang Paint Pro, Krita
Posted the blank template for this earlier but here's my progress on it
Found a pokemon art challenge so if you're a pokemon fan and you wanna do it here you go :DD
If I had a nickel for every time an NFT trader followed or friend requested me I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice.
Currently bouncing between being disgusted and being flattered that my art is even good enough that someone wants to make it an NFT-
ART FIGHT OFFICIALLY OVERRR!!! Hope everyone who participated had a good time this year. I know I did, even though I did less that last year >﹏<, it was cool to see my improvement regardless! Anyways, I'll start posting my attacks tomorrow so look out for that :3
Me: I'm gonna try to do 20 attacks for art fight, let's goo
Also me: Wouldn't it be fun to try draw full scenes to practice perspective this year . What do you mean it'll take a long time and there's no way I'll be able to finish 20-
ok so, first (this has to do with the last post I made) hurricane's passed where I live now, i've survived :D and second ART FIGHTT, also just a tip, art fight's run by a small team who work off of donations so the site can't handle so many people at once. It's gonna take forever to load the first few days so I (and many others) advise you download and references you need and just work on attacks until it comes back.
Pls don't blame the (small) team, they're trying their best :3
So guys, idk if you've heard but there's a category 4 hurricane that's gonna hit the caribbean and my power's definitely gonna go out. The last time where I live got scraped but a hurricane the power went out for live 3 weeks so idk how long the power's gonna be gone if we get hit almost head on but a category 4 no less.
We have a generator so I might still be able to post updates and other stuff but if the generator doesn't work then i'mma be gone for a while. Anyways, yh just wanted to let y'all know.
> Kdragonair Oh good!! :)
> Kdragonair <33
> YtterOdd Thanks, and honestly my side of the island hasn't really been that effected so it's all good :D
> EinTheTransDemon Hopes and prayers received <3
Nothing too important, just a new watermark :3
> Kdragonair >:DD
> EinTheTransDemon Oh absolutely >:3
Friendly fire will be tolerated >:D
I'm Back! I've survived the first year of college and now on vacation which means that I can finally finish the 2 art trades I took at the beginning of the year and actually work on personal projects now! :D
I've finished one which I will post later, idk if the person will see it tho cuz I just saw they're taking a break (hope you're doing ok EV@) and the second is coming along nicely (medibang genuinely won't let me post the progress tho like wtf do you mean an error occured). EV@ and Roman Scythe, so sorry for practically taking most of the year to finish these what y'all finished yours a while ago 😣
> 𝑬𝑽@ Oh good, got a bit worried but I'm glad to know you're doing ok (^ v ^)
Im doing ok btw Im just a bit off now, dont worry I'll check up here often
This is very late bc I was trying to do art so I can post it with this but I didn't have the time so here's the wip and what I wanted to say was it's my birthday! yayyy i'm one yr away from being an adult now- This is as much celebrating i'll get, i'm off to go work on my 2 overdue art trades and an essay- ✌
> Kdragonair Np! :)
> YtterOdd Thank you!! o(^▽^)o
> DrawingCat.🅱️ruh TY!! yh I hope so too :3
> Muna Sketches Thank you! The adult yrs are coming a little too fast ;-;
Finally got time to work on shading, let's goo!!!!
Just making sure more people get to see my last topic: https://medibang.com/topic/mo2402081940253400014395002/ ( oh and here have Luna from sailor moon made from clay that I made in class)
So i've been deep in my thoughts as of late and it was ruining my mood but then I had enough and proceeded to write a long rant about what was bothering me and it actually made me feel better. That was basically journaling so I might actually start to journal for real. If any of you have problems with mental health I highly suggest it! They're many benefits to it. Here are some websites and a videos about it but feel free to do your own research:
Yh that's all I have to say, just to say what I've been doing since I haven't been drawing and I know there are a lot of people on this site who struggle with their mental health and I wanna help so this is the my first step to doing so :3
So the rules said to draw with a oc or give her a new outfit and i decided to do both! This is the outfit I made but I wanted to post it here before I start the actual illustration to make sure this is ok.
> 🌸✨NotClaudia_artz_official💜🧁 Thank you! :D
yh to the people who took art trades with me, i'm gonna need more time cuz i rlly shouldn't have taken them cuz i had work to do but I wanted to post me on this site and now i need to finish a painting by tmr soooo i hope you don't mind how long i've taken-
Here's the progress on one, I posted a progress report before and the progress of the other one is at the same point as last time-
> 𝑬𝑽@ Np!
It looks amazing! Tysm !
Whiteboard Fox drawings!
Wanna do whiteboard with me while I avoid doing my actual assignments-
If anyone still wants to join, i'm still online
I'm taking very long to finish and my partners have finished their parts so the least I can do is show that, yes I am in fact still working on them and will finish-
wanted to redraw something so I looked on my old deviantart account for some material- Here's my old accounts if you wanna look at more old stuff and the one in the pic is what i'm redrawing!
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/slushthehusky46
Medibang: https://medibang.com/author/6707941/
Hey Ev@, the ref was low quality so when I zoomed in it made it hard to see details and get accurate colours, is this accurate enough? (this isn't the actual drawing, I just needed to familiarize myself with his design first, unless this pose is fine with you-)
> 𝑬𝑽@ Sheeesh, ok cool!
It's accurate. It's good! You don't need to change anything! It's ok!
I'm bored and need to interact with people more, ask me something?
> Ephixa https://medibang.com/picture/xf2111180334374220014395002/ feel free to use any other drawings I have of her as reference too
> Kdragonair Yeah dats what I meant ur sona And yes I would like a ref sheet pls :>
> 𝑬𝑽@ 👍yup
Seeing people say it and not replying bc it was still 2023 for me at the time was torture- Hope 2024 goes well :3
Happy new year!!✨✨🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉✨
This is a great honour, don't squander it (⓿ω⓿)
I have been shreked!!! *so stoked*
I have time to talk, omg, college is taking the life out of me, it's so stressful but I finally have time to check in! So how's everyone doing!
(haven't had much time to finish or even start any digital art but here's some of the things I've done traditionally)
> Kdragonair Yay! I hope you can draw digitally soon-
Welcome back! I’m sorry about collage hard work always pays off
> 𝑬𝑽@ YH!!! Well kind of cuz I might disappear briefly again, but i'm here!!
You've returned!
Just a heads up but I'll be posting pretty infrequently because I've started college!! The real work starts tomorrow so i'll see if I can post something before then, probably not though-
Bro idk if you remember me we were friends in like 2020 i was boiledsunflowers or something and you made fanart of my ocs. Cool to see you’re still active!
> 𝑬𝑽@ Yea, they just don't stay in dorms
> Ephixa Thats good
> 🍂twig🍂 Oooo i didnt know it. I didnt know in collage 16 year old people can go
Ok so there's only 2 left and if no one else asks for them i'm gonna allow anyone who has already asked to take another one.
If you have one already pls wait for at least 15 minutes to give someone who hasn't a chance.
Go to this link to ask: https://medibang.com/picture/n32308160907483270014395002/
1 left!
Reminder that i posted adopts in case others didn't see! There's four left :3
> Kdragonair Okay! Tysm!! ^^
> Ephixa sure! She's supposed to be feline but you can make her whatever you want her to be since she's yours now
Omg Can I adopt #3? Also would she be considered a feline or cainine?
The result of me trying to do more fleshed out scenes and dynamic lighting :3
Also I made some adopts a while back that I didn't post yet bc idk if people still did those but I saw someone still do it so I might post them later. If you're interested then pls look out for them :D (they're all ferals btw-)
WHOAA these look so cool!! also I can;t wait to see the adopts :3
These are W.I.P'S??!! They look so good already!
I can relate to this XD
> Muna Sketched Damn, girl's really trying to get that crypto bread, honestly gotta admirer her persistence-
> Cartoon anime Y'know, I do feel bad for lil Zoe.. She's just trying to make her crypto-crazed parents proud.. idk wat I'm talking about I hope you do notice that-
> Muna Sketched Zoe see,s quite persistent XD