hi hello sorry for no post today
also, how are y’all doing?

| she/her | existence day is on Oct. 29 | UT DT, HK, sky, and other fandom trash | asIaN | vines are life
●Banner by the amazing RiiRen:
- Work Place:
- Gender:Female
Favorite TV show
Gravity Falls, SVTFOE, Carmen Sandiego, there’s so much oml
Favorite music
Any genre, really. Vocaloid is pretty awesome btw
Thing you interested in
Favorite writer
Naomi Cyprus
Favorite color
Time spent online
H a h a

pls pick a name/recommend in the comments
thank you :]
Sol cuz it means suN In spAnIsH
Sol or Keiya
here’s a short guide on my coloring process :p
Cute TemmIe
I finished your request!! :D
amazing artist, pls follow them :D
🥺 thank youu
Already have
already followed ig-
The blood tho on my name Pfff
so chaotic lol
ok how am i so close to 500-
> DreamiiKuri 69✨
Also congrats lol You just hit 400 like a week ago :0
Haha 69 :0
Pretty photos:000
link to the real artist:
please report the art thief impersonating the real Yoaihime
> ȺӀʂąçմ I think it’s the one drawing of a girl without color? sorry I don’t really remember-
Imma go beat her up
On what post is this?
> Soulever Ik!!
ok so im pretty sure this isnt the real Yoaihime (search them on google if you dont know who they are). please report them if you know theyre posing as the real artist
they have twitter, instagram, and deviantart too
> Tortellini https://mobile.twitter.com/Yoaihime?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
> voidii https://mobile.twitter.com/Yoaihime?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor here it is
> Tortellini omg im so sorry-
cross is back! go follow her here:
(credits to kmy for the link :D)
Did he/she losed his/her account?
if they make another account, pls tell me
> Mowochuwu she is too nice to get frozen ;-;
> Cherry same, she even worked hard to get a platinum rank. Shes really nice. She doesnt deserve to get frozen :(
I really feel terrible for her, she worked so hard to get 3000 followers, and her art is just amazing ;-;
pls go follow amai :D
Already followed them before you posted this topic, they are great uwu
underrated artist ;-;
pls follow tortellini, it would make my day (or night rather, lol)
might be opening requests today :D
Can i request u draw two things?: Katara&any of my characters UwU?
Congrats! We both have 401 😏
Idk what to request but I’ll be waiting :]
> WEEEEEEEEE I agree! Her art is beautiful
Congrats!!!! You deserve this :D
theyre b e a u t i f u l
i m
ThIs iS A sIgN-
sorry for announcing it late ;-;
prizes for those in 1st get one request
everyone else who participated gets adopts :D
Ey congrats!
*cries in I also got yeeted so I just put the best entry so far and just “ended” the contest*
Yay congrats to everyone!
this update is really awesome guys :))
Yes they're really making the site more CoNvEnIeNt for everyone
> Cata amazing*
Lol, you're right
iTs AmZinG tHe uPDaTE i l0vE
3 days left :p. if youre interested in joining, i made a post about it. you can find it on my page. sorry for the inactivity too, enjoy some doodles
ㄟ( ̄▽ ̄ㄟ)
Ive done gurl B)
> MochiiNiko :000 i am
> Tortellini uhh its a birthday contest :p. i made a post about it last time if ur interested
:0 Wait for whAt-
oh, and enjoy some random doodles
Finished my entry! https://medibang.com/picture/3o2010180411109260014156564/
I also need to get sleep-
Aaaaa I didn’t even start yetttt
yeah so if u didnt see my previous post, im starting a contest. also did u know Toby Fox's birthday is on Oct. 11?
> MochiiNiko Okay then I’ll join then, 14-ish days for me to create something noice
> ĸurımзımaпga its on October 25 :p
I already joined lel also yuss happy birthday to undertale man :D
the first picture is some fanart i saw on Pinterest, while the second one was posted here on Art Street. Im not sure who copied who. Can someone help pls??
> MochiiNiko Dang, I would say use the search for image function but it probably isnt available anymore
I think the medi art got taken down
> MochiiNiko Thanks too! However, the Art Street link was going to Twitter.
> KurimeiManga https://pin.it/6Bnnmki heres the one for the Pinterest artwork, idk if it works tho
its mi birthday next month :'D. idk if i should start a contest cos i dont think lots of ppl would join.
anyways, sorry for not posting. i've been pretty busy lately
Ye sounds like a blast
That would be fun!!
eyy its starting
1 minute left yayy
yes itll be back in 8 mins aA
> MochiiNiko Good luck
ello hoomans im in skool ;-;
> MochiiNiko i can uwu
> Firebull we're having a quiz tomorrow and im definitely gonna fail ✨