Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

It's almost My B'Day! :D

My birthday is coming up soon, in September! :) [September 17], I'm turning the big 1*4 Wooh! Haha, I can't believe I've been on Medi for over two years now, and just how far I've come! Thank you all so much for the love and support! I cherish you all! Really. :') 💗💕💖💕💟💖💝💖💖💕💝💝💕💝💕💘💕💓💖💗💖💗💖💘💕💓💚💙💖💓💛💜💗💖

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  • i cant believe i misses ur birthday neon senpai :(