Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Anyone else having problem?

I use Medibang on a Samsung and a few times I've been having trouble with it backing up when I try to insert an image to the canvas. It starts backing up and then the pop up goes away suddenly and then I can't access my files for some reason even though I know they are there. Sometimes the screen turns black. Sometimes it works normally on different canvases. Sometimes it pulls up the files menu but doesn't show my files. Idk what this is but I've had this issue before and fixed it by deleting a bunch of files... :(( if no one else knows I might send in a report DX

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don't watch Karamora in school 💀

take my advice Karamora is by no means a good show to watch while in class especially when people are watching over your shoulder lmaoo 💀
also there's no English version of it that's official BUT there is an English sub version on the Karamora tumblr, only the first two episodes tho since it's just people who translate it on their own time for fun ig 🙏🙏🙏 big thanks to those people tho love y'all
also yes I definitely watched Karamora "for the plot" and not because of Evgeny Schwartz as Felix Yusupov... 👁👁

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