イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang


I was supposed to lose my platinum rank a few days ago but it's still here? Maybe it'll last an extra yeat? :0


  • > Muna Sketches Ohhh ok 🤔 it'll probably be a long time before I get another level 4 since it feels like my days of getting consistent level 3's have ended sadly 😅 That was my fault tho when I didn't post for 3 weeks a couple months ago and it went all downhill from there 😭

  • > ✨🎄TheFanartFREAK🎄✨ Actually, I lost mine when I GOT a level 5, then I was silver. So maybe it can just be replaced? So dont get a level 4 or higher.. XD-

  • I think it lasts a little bit over a year, because I'm pretty sure I thought the same thing then POOF!

  • Year*

Found an art thief

Why do thieves even exist https://medibang.com/picture/ft2312051913044200025595114/


  • > StarlikeNebula I'm not sure who it belongs to, but someone in the comments questioned me, I've seen the image on Pinterest a couple years ago, the quality on the one posted here is lowered and I'm pretty sure it's been cropped

  • Good question, I don't see any benefits from posting the stolen art in a relatively niche platform. Who's did it originally belong to?

  • No sabia que existian ladrones aqui en medibang


Seriously, the medi daily rankings make no sense at all, it's always something that looks traced or amateurish (no offense) in the top rankings 90% of the time, they'll even get platinum ranks, like how does it even work? What causes them to get so much more praise over something that doesn't even look like it took that much work? Is it because the users are Japanese or something? This is no hate to any of those people or targeting anyone specific, and I don't want it to sound like I'm complaining but medi has been so frustrating this year


I was looking through my gallery and my older art and
I miss the old medi
The community was alive, and things just felt different somehow, it was fun but now it's so desolate and everything
I really hope a bunch of other artists closer to my age come flooding into this site to revive it again one day...


  • > Muna Sketches Yeah, I just wish there were older ones who'd liven up this place a bit 😭 cuz a lot of those kids kinda annoy me and stuff :')

  • yeah =( rlly sucks hopefully more people will join eventually or something

  • Sorry, growing older AND leaving-

  • We had a flood of people our age, now they are growing older and.. now there's a flood of younger artists.. And don't get me wrong I LOVE art babies but some of them will need to pass the immaturity stage-

I think I'll be returning to Instagram tomorrow
Idk 100% though I might wait a bit longer cuz I am absolutely terrified 😀
Hopefully there's no other hate comments and bullies but it's still scary 😭


  • > Long-Leg-Luz✨🗿(got frozen) AW HECK NAH WHAT 😭😭😭💀💀

  • Thinks* 💀💀💀

  • > ✨🎄TheFanartFREAK🎄✨ Literally- 😭😭 (my dad things he’s an alpha male, it’s cringe)

  • Maybe I won't go on there tomorrow, I think I should wait at least another day 😭😭😭