イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang


Idk if anyone remembers here but I've had a story ever since my first year here, it still has a lot to be developed but as of right now the title is The Xeron Effect (I call it TXE for short) and a few characters are getting redesigned, I think I like their new designs a lot better now :D the characters are also a lot older now too, most in their mid to late twenties and early thirties instead of late teens to early twenties, idk, them being in early twenties seemed way more unrealistic to me now that I'm getting older, I know it is fiction but still 😭


  • > Muna Is Sketching... Fr, anime characters be accomplishing more in 12 episodes than I have in my whole life like what 😭😭😭

  • I remember that! I had a comic groupchat on here once... I think you were in it?- Now that I'm getting older as well, I find it SO unrealistic when characters are like, 15 and SUPER heroic and everything, and I just think "wait.. that makes no sense to me now-" Because you're way too busy at thinking about yourself in your teens, too busy to be a HERO FOR GOODNESS SAKE- But yeah.. Same here.. Oki bai


So turns out even deleting my art from medi DOESN'T remove it from google??? Seriously? I deleted all that for nothing?? 💀💀

So that means my really really old art is likely still on google,that's not good for my digital footprint 😍😍


  • > TheFanartFREAK Noooo 😭

  • What is this fucking things Are you kidding me ?

  • > Muna Is Sketching... FR 😭

  • > Long-Leg-Luz✨🗿(got frozen) Dang, ig I didn't need to delete so much 😭 especially if anyone stole art before I put it on Instagram then the only way I can prove the art is mine is from layers 😭


So uh
It turns out, once your art is posted to medi, it appears on Google images, which can lead to more art theft, so far I've seen one of my older drawings reposted on reddit even though it clearly said not to repost, I'm not allowed to have reddit so there isn't anything I can do about it, but because of risk of theft and my sister's art getting reposted by other people multiple times, I will not be posting my art here anymore, maybe occasional doodles but that's it, I don't want to risk art getting stolen, so I've deleted a few of my newer drawings from this year along with some OC art, I will delete more later but yeah
I'll still post topics here though and occasional doodles, but I'm sorry...


  • Well my friends found out and they started to tease me about it, and I’m sorry to hear that happened

  • > Cartoon anime Yeah reposters suck, even with an obvious watermark saying "DO NOT REPOST" they still do, like are they all illiterate or something? 💀 and bro it's so easy to simply NOT repost someone's art, just don't repost it! It's not that hard 😭😭😭

  • > TheFanartFREAK I hate reposter’s :/ Some people are just absolutely disgusting I feel so bad for Madz That must be really worrying I doubt my arts ever been reposted since it’s not the most polished and popular artstyle but just thinking about what it would feel like getting my art reposted just scares me a ton:/ I hope you and Madz are able to resolve this problem:(

  • > Cartoon anime Yeah, luckily as far as I know my art hasn't been stolen a ton, but for madz it's a different story, turns out her art as been stolen and reposted a whole lot, especially her Aqua Hoshino drawing :(

I miss when I was able to draw every week and now it's like every 2-3 weeks 💀
It's like I draw finished art less and less each year, I really hope there doesn't come a year where I quit... I really gotta start letting myself do traditional again


  • > TheFanartFREAK trueee the more ur art improves the longer ur process gets 😭😭 and ur right socials add even more pressure to that ☹️ like sometimes i even forget its an interest

  • > 𝙏𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙞🍥 Yeah, I think it's also the pressure of wanting to improve but then the drawings get more and more complicated leading to less motivation, especially with Instagram and stuff 😭😭

  • > Muna Is Sketching... Yeah I do spend a lot of my time playing games and stuff but also watching Instagram reels which isn't all that good of a thing 😭 luckily today though I managed to finish a dawning and do 3 digital sketches as well to a point my hand hurt 😅

  • I can relate 😭😭 I used to post 3 times a week now I post 3 times in 2 months 😥

Wth medi?

I saw this and translated it but it talks about ads, by clicking the green thing it makes you play an ad, so now Medi is making you watch a 30 second or so ad before you can view a post wtf Medi this just making your site worse 😭

Lucky for me I just logged into my other browser that has an adblocker-


  • > Ephixa Yeah it forces you to watch like 30 second ads before looking at a post 😭😭😭

  • 👺👺👺👺👺


  • Sadly I don’t have an adblocker and I just came back to the site too, from hiatus.

Curious but also scared

Also crazy how it's already March, I first came to Medi in March 2020...


  • > M3LL0M0CHI Tbh I'm still scared to talk to people on here 😭

  • > Muna Sketches Honestly I miss the internet personality thing 😅 though I guess after all these years I just decided to start chilling, it's been fun though, I'm hoping medi can become more fun again in the future

  • At first I thought you were pretty cool but I was scared to talk to you so yeh Right now you're still pretty cool lol and funny. It was nice to get to know you a little :D

  • I first thought of you as an anime fanatic meme-ster who like.. CREATED the Artstreet experience for when I first came here XD Now I see you as a teen just.. goin' through life just like I am => Less of a internet personality and more of a human I suppose-

Does anyone else's cat snore?


  • > Muna Sketches Peter was snoring a ton last night and I even have a video of him snoring it's so cute 😭 I wonder if chickens snore 🤔 Oh and when chickens close their eyes you can still see their eye so it's like transparent :D

  • and your cat is adorable!

  • my old cat did but she was a fatty, so it makes sense.

  • I think dogs have like.. a 2nd eyelid because they have their eyes open but the inner eyelid comes in and it looks like a reptile thing PFT-

I should probably try becoming more active here again, same with artfol, I mostly find myself scrolling reels on Instagram and looking at comments that end up ruining my day, I could be spending this time chatting with all of you, or writing or drawing, I really gotta stop looking at reels 😭

I just really miss the old medi, when the community was alive and well, but we've all gotten older, heck, i started using Medi when I was 14, and now I'll be 18 in May, and some I'm not even friends with anymore here, and some have disappeared from here...

Where are you Suika :(


  • > M3LL0M0CHI Yeah, it used to be so much more active, even my art levels have been drastically decreasing, used to get nothing but level 3's, tho ig that's my fault cuz like mid-June I didn't draw for like 3 weeks and I think that ruined everything for me 😭 Hopefully some group of people stumble upon this site and revive it again :')

  • Anyways Welcome back! :D

  • Yeah a lot of people have been leaving and disappearing. Medi kinda died and it's sad to see so many people leaving