It’s been a while since ive released one so i thought i should post a topic about it

- 14
- she/her
- draw random fantasy characters
- please tell if you have requests!
- drawn digital art seriously since fall 2020 (experimented a little bit before)
I’m currently working on a comic titled “The Legend of Mythica” on Webtoon. Here is the link:
And here are my art tutorials:
- Fantasy
- Digital
- Stories
- Anime Style
- Mostly Girls
- Work Place:
- Gender:Female
Medibang Paint
Thing you interested in
Art, music, making stories
im too lazy to type it out here please read the image
this is my first *voluntary* fast and im hungryyyyyyyy its been nearly 24 hoursss
np ^^
> Leieryx Thanks!
> pixelf oh ok well i hope it goes well for you ^^ those times are a little tough
> Leieryx it’s a church fasting day today, which i just learned about this morning
and MAN, food looks so good when you can’t eat it
I’m so sorry I haven’t been posting much, I’m very, VERY busy with my schoolwork. When I get to summer break, I’ll be able to post a lot more!
Finals are so difficult! :’(
the legend of mythica ep 6 is out on webtoon
I’m currently redrawing one of my old drawings, and man, i did NOT know how to do eye persepctive/body shapes! I’m guessing that in a few months I’ll look back on this and cringe lol
I just realized that I haven’t drawn male characters! I need some tips on drawing them, so I can make stylized drawings as well as simple ones for my comic. Does anyone have any suggestions on ways I can draw male characters without destroying my art style?
> pixelf Ayyyyeeee anytime fam .u.
> Howdy, Thanks for the help! I’ll keep this in mind when im drawing!
Also the torsos are wider, but it doesn’t effect the shoulder proportions very much
Yes, I do.-ish. The best tip I can give you, draw harsher edges and lines and make the eye lash line much thinner, without showing the eye lashes go off the sides. .u.
the hair tutorial is up on my tutorial webtoon if you want to check it out:
> ChibiL.Rini Thanks! Glad you liked it!
wAOH! C'est génial!! Je savais pas!!
whY aM i nOt hUnGrY?!
> Mamibangchbi Awh, t h a n k s .u,
> Howdy, Oui je comprends! Je vous encourage!
> pixelf Appreciated .u.
> Howdy, Thanks! You’re story is cool too!
I had a weird dream last night… normally they’re weird lol but this was different. I wasn’t even a character in the story I was just watching it through camera angles like a movie (most of my dreams have camera angles but also in first person) and in some spots it turned into a webtoon! and there were like comments on the webtoon part and it was so strange
I think the weirdest part, however, was that only 3 people disappeared without explaination and nobody died. Most of my dreams are filled with death, carnage, and terror so this was a pleasant surprise
im trying to do the right/left hand drawing exercise and i cant even hold the pencil…
i found this in my literature textbook, it made me laugh out loud. I think i’m ace/aro or something now (i really dont know) but when I was 12 or 13 I had a crush on a guy. you know why?
he bribed me with food. and candy.
to be fair this is a horror story about the headless horseman (i have no idea why this is even in this textbook, this is a christian homeschool program!)
So expect much worse art, but more of it.
> ChibiL.Rini Thank you!
Bon rétablissement!!
im thinking of entering the anthropomorphic contest with this personified version of the ocean... what do you think?
Next one will be the line art
So when i take away my personal rating of my webtoon, it goes to 1/10... this is kinda depressing, i havent even uploaded a tutorial yet! :(
I’ve started to make a tutorial webtoon if anyone is interested! I’ll probably also announce this with a drawing, but here is the link:
my comic panels tell such a different story when you erase the text... “dOn’T YoU dArE sTaB tHe eGg liKe tHaT”
Lol, so true!
THIS CAT pretended to be sleeping on the beanbag chair. she coerced me into petting her, and when i settled down to scratch her back, she SPRINTED ONTO THE CHAIR I HAD VACATED 30 SECONDS BEFORE
well played, cat. well played.
using advanced holo technology to look furry and cute to us humans when in reality they are something else entirely (lol)
> pixelf Maybe cats don’t sleep, their just waiting until we’re asleep, and during that time, they backup our memories on flash drive orb things from space. (Totally not referencing the old Star Trek)
> Howdy, Maybe my kitten isnt narcoleptic at all, she just pretends to fall asleep. In reality, she never does...
> pixelf Your right, maybe they just want to appear in a certain way, so we’d never expect anything of them.
This is a concept of a character, i may or may not release a story about her it depends on how productive i am. i’m really proud of the clothes though, i struggle with clothing design a lot.
> Irodori I’m so glad you like it! I can’t wait to share! ❤️
> pixelf Sounds interesting! I can't wait for the next Mythica episode.❤
> Irodori Thanks! It takes place in the same universe, but isn’t related to the actual story. I think I’ll work on it after Mythica is done.
Wow, this looks great! Is her story related to Mythica at all?
no matter what COMFY BLANKETS are available to her, she still ends up falling asleep standing on the floor... she’s been doing this for like 5 minutes already
> GryffinDork I agree! She’s such an adorable, goofy cat
Cute kitty!
they’re not even trying anymore lol
Oh gawd 😂
tHe ShIpS hAd tEn hOuRs tO aVoiD eAcH oThEr? wHeRe diD jOycE LeAvE tHe cAr?
> GryffinDork lol the worst one is figuring out domains and ranges of functions. this is easy enough for me, you just write out all equations relating to the variables then use the substitution method into d = rt (this is in my algebra 1 textbook)
> pixelf Dude, I'm in algebra and I STILL can't figure this crap out-
> Howdy, lol unfortunately it gets worse
I can’t comprehend this kind of math yet-
Hello it is I, your very tired and overloaded artist. I just forgot to mention that Episode 2 of The Legend of Mythica is out on Webtoon if you want to check it out!
Also thanks so much for the three subscribers to the Webtoon already!!
I tried to post the original picture but couldn’t because “the pixel size was too large” even though i drastically lowered the resolution! So instead, here is a picture of it inside the medibang art app. I’ve changed a lot!
you know that feeling where you’ve been awake for nearly 48 hours and instead of being tired and illogical you’re feeling the best and brightest you have felt in over six years? i love this so much
More illustrations to come! I learned how to do effects and things like that so I have a better art style now too! I also revised the way that I draw hair to make shadows more deep!
> GryffinDork thanks im trying
Oh no! I hope you get better soon.