일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

anisamhk 님이 like 하셨습니다!

I Think It's Important ?

[ Hope you understand my random English lol ]
Hello Lovely <3 Thank you for clicking this topic !
So I just wanna to tell you that from tomorrow maybe I can't react into your post and my notification ( that the notif is about your reply ) if It's 7 am above ( from 1 am ) . Because I don't have a regular internet, I just having a night internet sooo :') ( and if you see me react to something above 7 am, that means I just got a hotspot from my father ;) ) . Yeah you get it right ? Thank you ! Thank you for understanding ❤️ ( also actually the night internet is not mine, it's my mom's lol ;V; ) .
Also I can post this topic because my father gave me a hotspot ;)
Babay ~ >3< .
Much Love ❤️❤️❤️

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