Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Maybe Open Monday to Thuesday | I'm better at doing paysage.

Reiilley liked!

Oh guysss-

I'm doing my first commission!! =D
Well.. It's gonna be a bunch of commissions basically because I'm technically a concept artist for this game now- It's called Transformers: World, for Roblox. And I'm designing some stuff along with 2 other artists!

I haven't been working on it as much as I'd like to, because I am veryyyy busy.. Work, artschool, more artschool, schoolwork, and my concept art work. And sports too ahah-
I am sleep deprived right now, I probably got around 4 hours of sleep, which is not enough for my brain to function pft- Some people can rule the world with that much sleep but I just simply cannotttt-
But yeah! Lots to do.. AND we are moving house along with that pft-

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