Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Unavailable for requests
What's an interesting/weird fact about


Just a question for the day!
Mine is that I have a birthmark in my mouth. Its near my throat!

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  • > Muna Sketches Yes I am the lost long sibling

  • > Muna Sketches cuz i remember when i ran into the window the nurse asked me to clench my fist and it really hurt between those fingers, so i thought of that and went "hang on wasn't that a cut ?" and looked there to see a scar XD

  • > 🐾 !! ollie !! 🐾 How did you know you had it for 9 years if you only noticed recently?-

  • > Bluecatanimation You were almost born as a simpson?-

Last 3 copies!

Each took so many hours.. My eyes hurt everytime I finish-
Note that this is a direct copy, but not a trace! It was interesting to learn how the folds worked in Arcane, really nice folds =>
Victor is my favourite I think, next to Ekko. Victors face looks like he's in pain atm, but lets be real, he probably is-

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  • > YtterOdd (Stickerman) EEE Thank you! =D


  • > Muna Sketches It was so good I thought they were from the show!

  • > ♟️Bobnob 𓆣 Yeah! But I got the images, and set them aside, and drew while looking closely at the reference. It's a very slow process though, trying to get everything right. Kinda tiring-

A little fun thingy

decided how I was gonna go about doing commission sketches, cause I'd like to show the person the sketch before going all in y'know? So I decided to draw a league of legends champion as my subject, and bam! Hopefully this is a good way to show my commissioners what the illustration could look like.
But honestly, I might just do all of my illustrations like this, cause it's actually helpful for me pft-
I don't do enough thumbnails, so sometimes my composition is off.
But yeah! I am very excited!

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  • > Juju ! I- PFt-

  • > Muna Sketches no i meant like holy cow not the ass is holy help 😭😭

  • > YtterOdd (Stickerman) Super glad you think so! I think people will like the sketch displayed like this!

  • > Juju ! Don't think the heavens above think its holy pft-


Soon, I will be doing commissions!
Not now though, I can't receive payment at the moment-
But since I am now a bit more familiar with my process, and have been doing about 3 years of painting, I think I am able to take on commissions!

Not too sure what the prices are.. I will start kinda low, but not too sure if anyone on here could afford it by pure allowance money-
But that's okay, because Artstreet is more of a personal thing for me. Not as professional. I wont be advertising it to you as much as I will on Cara, and other platforms. I want this place to be where I am more myself. Because honestly, this site is super quiet, no dramas, just people going about their day and chucking some art on here. Artstation and Cara are my more professional accounts. Those places could present my future job to me. So I wont be listing Artstreet on my carrd, bios, or really anything to do with my professional side.
But I will let you know when my commissions are open, just for you guys to know, and share when someone is looking for rendered art!
I'd love for it to replace my retail job, that's the dream for now pft-
But yeah! I'd like to say more.. but I'm not quite sure what..
Just know that I love you guys, and appreciate you with all my heart, take care <3

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  • > VIVLZ6670 ✶ Yip yip!

  • > YtterOdd (Stickerman) Feels so weird when I'm setting up all this professional stuff, and going "business-y" pft- But man its so exciting at the same time! Thank you for the luck, I'll take it regardless!

  • okey yippee!!!

  • cool!!! Sounds like a very smart business approach, good luck!!!👍 not that you need it, your art is PHENOMENAL!!


I just randomly found this by Marco Fornaciari on Cara and I was like "wait I just copied that photo too-"
But look how PRETTYYY-
This makes me want to do photos differently =,>
I admire and I aspire

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  • > YtterOdd (Stickerman) Oh really? thank you so much <33

  • This is beautiful, but yours is beautiful in different ways, I'm just happy I get to see both of them, and I don't have to choose!!^^✨

  • 恐ろしく、そして美しい。

  • epice


This was made about a year and a half ago..
I never even coloured it mate-
So I'm gonna give that responsibility to YOU because obviously, I am not worthy..
I don't know what I'm talking about, but anyhow, let this be a colouring challenge!
It's PNG, and transparent, so it should be easy peasy! I think she's supposed to be picking her teeth or something, but hey, it's yours now, not mine!
Not too certain how many people will do this, probably gonna be a minority, but I don't know what else to do with this! just HAVE IT, TAKE IT, TAKE IT OFF MEEEE-

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  • > Muna Sketches Thanks!!!🙏😁✨

  • > Muna Sketches I had a bit of a glow up didn't I 😂

  • > YtterOdd Take all the time in the universe! But have fun, =>

  • This is so cool!! I'll try this, but it will take me at least 1,000 years, because I work at glacier speed

Can never go wrong with Jinx sketches-

Until it's painted, which will probably look way worse than the sketch because that's just how it is- That's just logic

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  • > Muna Sketches idrc ppl usually just do it under posts i had made

  • > angelwax Oh- I actually need to get rid of the request thing entirely.. Thank you for reminding me! Is it bad to direct people to my topics, or is it just tedious? Not that I'll be doing requests anymore, just wondering

  • > Muna Sketches you have on your thing youll do requests if you put it on the topics, youd probably wanna change that

  • > Reiilley I've been using medibang for years and years and years before CSP, so don't worry! I only got it some months ago, and I can do the same style with both programs. So don't feel stressed to buy a program!

Studies (or copies) of mechs!

You can find the original pictures on my pinterest in my mech section located in designs for drawings! But you won't do that, because that's too many steps =>
I finally completed these things for my assignment, it takes me so long-
I realize I never post my practices, and it makes me look like I am being real slack in my drawing, but really I am drawing all the damn time
Hope these things make your day somehow! I don't know how, but.. yeah.. Okay ciao ciao

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The process!

I didn't have the sketch saved, but this shows how I did the bridge with Blender!
I imported the image into Blender, built the bridge, and positioned it with the image, then screenshot, then used the bridge as a base.
Worked very well I think!

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  • > 𝚅𝚒𝙶𝚖𝚒𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚆𝚜(𝙻𝚢𝚗𝚒𝚡) Thank you heaps! Makes me happy to hear it <3

  • The work in process it's so cool :00

  • > Pong🌸 ik! It's super helpful, but you gotta get the perspective right =,)

  • Wow, I never thought of using blender this way! 😲

Here's how I do studies (or copies)

It's just copying a reference, trying to get it as accurate as possible. It helps you look at how the pros draw and add details. So I first draw a block-out, or a silhouette, then I sketch and constantly look back at my reference. Then ink!

Don't know if you realized but..
Finally something OTHER than medibang pft-

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  • > Reiilley PFTT- relatable


  • > Bread🇲🇽 Aw thanks again!

  • > Muna SketchEEEE yup ik :3 still pretty cool

• LIFE •

It's so tiring trying to figure out what to do for uni.. or how to get SOME certification to get a jOB-
Even my mum has been getting tired just from researching what I should do to be hireable- I have to remind her that OLY IS NEXT SO SAVE YOUR ENERGY MUM
Love her to death
It's sort of exciting, learning the technical skills of art, and learning what it means to be a concept artist, illustrator, ect. I may get photoshop soon, which is about $380, if that's not AMERICAN PFT- Otherwise it's 1.5x the money. But I should be able to pay for it, as I don't spend too much anyhow. It's also sort of industry standard.. so.. MAYBE that will help for hireability-
After I finish my batch of requests.. which.. is just Oddish and Oly but Oly less important on my list ahah-
Oddish's banner is currently my PINNOCLE of learning right now, and what an angel Oddish is for waiting so patiently, probably has forgot but that's a good thing on my part, because I have so much to do qwq
But yeah..
kinda crazy how school will end soon, or homeschool. Only 1-2 more years..
Haven't had much of a teen-life, actually, my teenhood feels like it just started a year ago- barely.
And I mean as in a social life.
I think everyone now has many concerns with their social life. Literally the most common problems and insecurities comes from the social aspect of everything, whether school, internet, sports, it's all a VERY common thing. Little people have a huge friend group it feels like.

How's your life?

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  • > Muna SketchEEEE Same to you too bro

  • > Bluecatanimation I think we have something similar with Open Universities (take 2 subjects in a degree, and it gets you into the course if you pass the 2 subjects). At least your mum is considering whether or not you'll want to experience the fun in school. But in my opinion, there's no rush! Unless you are in a bad spot- Then maybe you'll want a good income, but I wish the best of luck to you!

  • > Muna SketchEEEE I’m in America 🦅🦅🦅🦅 but yea I’m getting pressured from my dad, he wanted me to do running start (running start is where you already take the two general education classes, if you don’t know, idk if America only does it) but at the same time my mom is against it because I won’t have fun high school years so I’m torn between fun or education. I get where your coming from I have been trying things

  • > Muna SketchEEEE yeahh you right C:

I am so SO happy and excited and all around ecstatic-
Cara and Artstation are kinda my more ~professional~ sites, but Artstreet is my more friend-focused account. So don't worry about me ever letting you down, ever gonna give you up, ever gonna run around and desert you, okay?

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  • > Muna SketchEEEE That is true 😭😭

  • > Long-Leg-Luz✨🗿(got frozen) Something happening is never 0%!

  • Never thought of getting rickrolled on a topic

Composition tip!

I know there are things like the rule of thirds, the golden rule, the triangles, symmetry, but it's all based on one thing, Emphasis and Weight.
You don't even have to do a drawing based on a grid, because when you understand how to emphasis something, you can do a lot of good compositions without using a grid for it!

Obviously I can't give you a degree with my explanation but here's what I can fit in.

Emphasis (example, a bright orange dot in a grey and black background)

Balance (person fighting one corner of the piece, another person in the top corner jumping up and coming down on the opponent)

Proportions (comparing objects or people with other objects to determine the size of one another)

Repetition (a box with the same design elements each face, repeating design shapes on a character, etc)

Movement/Rhythm (lines moving towards your emphasis, example, an anime character going NANI?? with lines towards their face all around. Can be swirls and triangles and spirals, can be clouds and wind and leaves!)

Variety (interesting design elements that are different, but working together. Good for design)

Harmony (EVERYTHING added into one, but goes together!)

Everything above can be described with value, colour, size. I might do more parts, depending on how this topic goes with everyone's interest on this. Ciao!

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Which one is better?

I made 2 versions of this character here.. Do you like the more child-like one, or the one that seems more cool, more yuh, more mindful, more demure-
I'm sorry ahem
PLEASE tell me what you think fits best! or which is more interesting =>

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  • > Muna SketchEEEE Thx u !! I'll try how u do the start with patch of colors with SAO video :3 !

  • > Reiilley Here's my youtube for some processes!

  • > Reiilley I did actually do lines first! But the one that looks sketchier was.. well, a sketch, and then I blocked in colours! The silhouette version there was just black and white, and it was to design her => I then coloured the silhouette, and started sketching her!

  • Oooh I see that how you do it, you directly applying the colors and etc, it true it seem more easier than puting the lines first and all I'll try that

Before and after!

Before render and after the render. The rendering part is my favourite! I spent a LONG long time on it though.. But I have ten hours of the process down to 25 mins in this speedpaint!
I added video chapters, so you can scroll and skip and whatever. I even documented my hand struggles XD-
I also added better music, ones with actual words, so it's less boring. One of them had copyright but it was allowed, although I almost had a heart attack-

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  • > numi_drawings✨ AA Thank you numi! <33

  • Um this is SO GOOD WHATTTT!!