- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/k1ch3rk1/
- Tumblr: https://k1ch3rk1.tumblr.com/
- Work Place:Mexico
- Gender:Female
Favorite color
Yellow and blue
Medibang, yes
Pen tablet
Wacom intuos
I am currently playing Genshin Impact, it is very entertaining. My favorite characters are Chongyun and Razor. 💖💖
I watched the Sonic 30th Anniversary Symphony, I really loved it. The illustration of the principle is very beautiful.
An eye color comparison, just for fun~
The white bunny and the monarch butterfly were my little inspirations to choose the color. (♡°▽°♡)
So, Banana Cookie has no longer re-entered on BonusTime. Hahaha, Choco the Monkey look so cute. 💖
I can't believe I have Cinnamon Cookie's super epic costume. I'm usually unlucky in the Gacha Costume, it really was a surprise 💖💖💖
I'm sad because I can't play Cookie Run Kingdom. I need a new phone- Also, I love Madeleine Cookie's
design. 😭💕
> Kiino13🌻 Yes they are all very pretty! It is fun so I am really hoping
> sunflemi Que maal, espero que en un futuro podamos jugarlo de algún modo. :c Ya seee, están tan hermosas 💖💖
> ɴᴀʀᴜᴅʏɴᴇ I know, that is bad, I hope can play in the future too. YEs, just like all new cookies are so pretty,, <3
Quee tristee... mi celular tampoco puede descargar cookie run kingdom :c Todos los diseños de las cookie nuevas son lindísimos :"0
> ɴᴀʀᴜᴅʏɴᴇ Thanks you, hope you have that costume too 💖💖
LUCKY— I wanted that costume too Hope you enjoy your epic new costume