일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Holy its October

I had no idea-
Lol its the 2nd of October today.
Im a dum hooman being

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  • > AnonymouseSaysHooi OOF those words are very true

  • and flex don’t worry if you feel dum just know that we’re basically all dum u-u

  • > ß welp I don’t have insomnia but I’m still staying up really late I’m gonna have so much trouble getting out of bed tomorrow- sleeping late is like watching a horror movie it’s alright when it happens but after a few hours I’ll suffer

  • > AnonymouseSaysHooi 3 am is nothing- and yeah maybe. My Mom has insomnia and she said I might have it too

I think i just fated

So i have these like mini black outs and i like just stand there and just wait for a sec
But this time i actually fell and over and almost knocked my self out
;-; im scared now

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  • > SIMANNSTHETIC1 Hehe ill try not to stay up lol Its fine :)

  • > SIMANNSTHETIC1 And I’m not even a parent idk

  • > SIMANNSTHETIC1 But yes lay down and rest don’t stay up till like midnight (sorry my inner parent came out 😑)

  • Um you should see a doctor I had a black out once and then I got sent to the hospital cuz I had a seizure sooo not trying to scary u just trying to help