I’m making a collab so tell me if you’re interested in joining, there’s only a certain amount of spots available tho!

i love art and anime
hope you like my art ✨
- anime
- fanart
- random
- whatever i feel like drawing
- furries? (maybe no hate pls)
if you have a drawing request tell me on one of my posts :D
Favorite music
agust d
Future goals
become successful at anything really
Favorite TV show
demon slayer: kimetsu no yaiba
favorite manga artists are junji ito, koyoharu gotouge
Favorite TV show
attack on titan
it’s the weekend and I’m feeling better :) also i started watching jujutsu kaisen and I really love it
I’m gonna try and post some things I drew while sad ig? don’t worry it’s just normal fanart no scary vents or anything
while I finish my drawing take some pictures of kai he is my world now
aweee he is so cute❤️❤️
toxic people are taking over my life....
It’s aight fam, I’ll steal their bones and give them jars of bee spit and rotten honeycomb .u.
Who are they!! I'll get them!
I’m late but I finally got Friday night funkin!! I’m so happy uwu
actually try and make yourself look good for school and when you get there you realize you look literally like a 4 year old who played with their moms makeup-
I don’t wear makeup, but I steal my brother’s shirts and then I realize that it makes me look short- lol I understand your pain fam
Y e s
no offense to all you bakugou simps and don’t hate me for this but
why do people like bakugou so much? i mean yes there is character development but like....he’s just not a good character in my opinion. now that’s just my opinion so don’t take it personally, just somebody explain maybe lol
> austen. ikr. i really don’t get it
tbh i havnt watched since s3 ended so idk how valid my say is but anyways- i honestly dont like him. its not his personality, but idk.. he just feels like he was made with the sole purpose of being a bully/rival and that stuck-up kid. last of my knowledge he doesnt really have much of a personaity past that--- also hes hella toxic ??????? like jfc youre simping a man who full on told a kid to kill himself. in my book theres no coming back from that no matter wht
im not too sure, people just have different character preferences and personality attractions
> Ɛɾì SAME (But yeah! I got most correct >:3 )
> Flair yeah they are all pretty much right except i’m not a girly girl or a tomboy i’m just a weeb lol
o0p- 1: Loud 2: Short(no offense) 3: Single 4: Girly Girl 5: Nerd (no offense TvT) 6: Couch potato (Again, no offense T^T)
thank you all :)
ngl i literally will not be offended if you say 17
24 ree ree ree
> Ciinnanya ikr same 😔🖐
I like both of them alot and it makes it hard to choose *says that as someone entirely different is on my homescreen*
> Ciinnanya Dont** I hate autocorrect
Is it bad that I do t know them but I still simp for them both rn?
6 C? Yeah 6 C is what I think
please follow alus they have great art!! and hopefully they can get 200 followers soon :)
please follow them they are really underrated!
Okay 👍
might not post much but ehhh
i go these two new anime shirts that i am so in love with, one of them has itachi and another one is the coke a cola symbol in japanese and i really wanna show myself wearing them but like- i feel like people will unfollow me because i’m really ugly, and i just got an awful hair cut lol
I won’t unfollow you fam! Anyone who unfollows you is a piece of garbage. You should totally show off the t-shirts!
> ☾𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕒𝕦𝕦𝕙☽|Roman no way i’m sure you’re super pretty ^^
Plus I bet you're super pretty! Or like at least prettier than me
I wouldn't unfollow you! Anyone who will is just plain dumb.
White or yellow :)
White, yellow, or pink
w h i t e
Yellow :D
save me from 7th grade math
> Ɛɾì Np! Happy to help :)
> Keith/Kisu|Shinso/tHoUsAnD you two helped me pass tysm
> aust3n404 thank YOU
This is solving the equation. It's not too hard. Be patient
Hey guys i’m sorry for not posting i will tomorrow! i’ve just been really busy lately and been sad so i’ve taken some time off from art just for a little bit cause i was too stressed to draw anything. BUT i will hopefully post tomorrow and all the weekend if i’m lucky. anyway, that’s all i have to say. have a good day! love you all! ♡
> Howdy, ty my best broski sry I just saw your comment lmao
Also- your art is getting better each time you post, but eitehr way it all still looks amazing .u.
I understand that, happens to the best of us
It’s aight my epic broski :3
i’m ugly.
i really don’t know how people want to be around me-oh wait they don’t haha
I will nuke whoever told you that, your amazing! AND WE ALL WANT YOU AROUND -N- I check your page everyday or so, and everything looks really great! Your not creepy, your radical, and I hope all of our words makes you un-sad :3
You aren’t any of those things, you are super sweet and kind ✨ You are a good person
Reasons why people want to be around you: You’re beautiful You’re talented You’re amazing You’re weird (in a good way) You’re an amazing friend You’re loving You’re caring There’s more to that list, but honestly that alone should prove enough. Try not to think those things, they’re just lies. They’re just lies you’re telling yourself and everyone else around you KNOWS they’re lies even if they don’t show it. You’re amazing in every way and I love you ❤️
Eeh..? Noo you're funny, kind, pretty, and popular! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL
someone at school said people who like anime need therapy and mental help and i’m just sitting over here like-
Wha- THEY need therapy and mental help- their so dumb, liek B R U H . I meannn- most of the edgy weebs I know just have sucky lives, but that doesn’t mean they need therapy or mental because they like ANIME
Bruh, the people in your school are dumb, can I kashoot them for u?
excuse me this is a Wendy’s-
That is messed up... like seriously ?!!!
> 花子 yeah for me it’s pretty stressful
> Ɛɾì ohh, its that test thing for school every year right?
> Hanako it’s a standardized test thing
what is fsa??
i kinda have a crush again
time to fall hopelessly in love again
I know how you feel- *huggo*
Good luck buster :D
> Keith/Kisu|Shinso/tHoUsAnD thx ^^ *hug back*
No no, no hopelessness here *hugs*
is it weird that i get bullied for liking anime? is it because i’m different? when i was in elementary school even the teachers hated me and my friends because of what we liked, they even went as far as telling other kids that we were bad influences so they wouldn’t hang out with us. not that they would in the first place. i don’t know they thought we were bad kids, the world is just messed up and i wish things could be different.
no not at all!! find it interesting and flattered that people from all over the world enjoy the japanese/korean culture. do not feel bad about it, its totally fine
What- like anime is just something you watch, it doesn’t define a person ._. who are these messed up people
The hell- that’s messed up. :/
It’s aight fam, we’re here .u. I can sorta relate, to an extent.
vibin with my dog, drawing, and watching assassination classroom 👌
I watch assassination classroom while drawing 😌👌
> Howdy, i- brooo 🥺
:o no way bro- my day consisted of vibi’n with my cat, drawing, and watching K-ON! H-how- I- wha-
That cut deep
first and recent fictional crush :o
Bruh I can understand the recent one I loved Hajime in the anime
whoever changed the tags- lol you mad me laugh
> Ɛɾì Oof xD
> Mii-chan(Mikasa)|Remus they called me out for being a simp XD
Lol what---
I’d possibly like to join- .u. Is there a collab base image?
I’d love to!