Hello guys it's me your bad artist!

MediBang ID:
Hi I love to draw it helps me with my depression and things I go through. I hope if I post my art you like it. I draw so people can see and look at my art for tips and trips to help them out with there art. I don't like when people copy my art or any ones art. Be nice and be happy.I try to be as loving as possible. I eat Chinese food.I love anime and my most favorite is hunter × hunter and my hero academia demon slayer to.I cosplay.I love to listen to spotty.that is all you need to know about me.🖐😊
- Work Place:Sittingonmychairanddrawingwhilewatchinganime
- Gender:Male
Finally it came my stylist pen came!
Hi guys I'm so sorry for not posting art or talking on medibang 😞 I just broke my crome book and had to get a new one and plenty more [] I started to draw eyes again do you want to see my new art?
Hi so on a platform I asked people to give me questions about my art and I will be answering them on here and on that platform
Omg frog Frog
I love your hair :0