The Little Prince

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HP Laptop 15-db0032la
Pen tablet
Wacom Intuos Ctl4100
Medibag Paint Pro
Favorite color
Rosado pastel (colores pasteles) y negro
Favorite music
Imagine Dragons, The score, NF, Stray Kids, Kanaya, Josean Log
Favorite animation
Steven Universe, Sad-ist
Things you always carry
Un cuaderno/hoja y un lapicero (para dibujar)
What you eat when hungry
Chocoramo y pan con cafe con leche :3
Favorite TV show
TWD, Steven Universe, MLB
Favorite writer
Stephen King
Future goals
*Llegar a los 500 seguidores en IG (síganme xd) *Ser conocida
The Little Prince
*Only available for illustrations.