Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Discord server :D

Its a work in progress but here's the launch of my discord server! :D
it was originally for my youtube but I haven't posted anything new since I finished it so I couldn't;t post the link there :'D
spent a couple of months on this, which isn't that bad since I forgot about it for like two months 💀
But yeah, join if you'd like :D
this link expires in 7 days so make sure to join in time >:D
You may have to wait a couple of hours before I can verify you (give you a basic role so you can chat, I did this for security reasons so people don't get trolled :'D) but ye

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  • > SÆRO_308 yw :D

  • > kiri_kiwi oh ok thank you X3

  • > SÆRO_308 ppl like jen jen, Dr. Two brains, Mochi, etc :D

  • > kiri_kiwi but thanks for telling me ^^

Daily refs :D

I didn't make these refs but I wanted to share them :'D
I really need to organize my art board on Pinterest
my art board for more art refs :D
The first one is a ref for feet/shoe design or placement/angles.
The second one is good for anyone wanting to make a stylized eye and it also helps with expression (through the eyes)
the third one is a reference for how to draw things or people in motion and shows how the lines would look at different speeds.
The last one is just a reference for shoe names- this type of reference comes in handle if you're looking for a specific style or era of shoe for your OC or persona :D

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drawing suggestions?

something from pop culture :'D

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  • > kiri_kiwi yay thank you for choose to draw him >:D and also thanks for the compliment!

  • > -lulu- {Achromatic star} aww thank you!! I love your drawings as well! :D And That sounds cool! I shall draw it >:D thank you for the suggestion!

  • Could you draw the Hachtworth from a band called Steam Powered Giraffe? I think he's cool. But if you want to draw something else that's fine! I love your drawings :)

self-reporting? Medi really?

so I know this has been a thing for a couple of months now- but yo know me, I've been off the radar for a couple of months so 💀
I never really took the time to make a topic about it bc at the time I honestly didn't care since its ARTstreet being ARTstreet. But can we please talk about how Medi expects people who are tracing or posting AI generated art to "self-report" themselves? Now, I get there are different situations where tracing is allowed like tracing over free to use bases (like the ones Medi offers) and all of that. But a majority of the time, people who trace bases or original works of art generally don't give credit for a reason: THEY ARE STEALING :'D And I personally find it hilarious that Medi just expects people who do this to be like "You know what? Maybe I don't like being the bad guy anymore *self-reports on their submission*" You know, if that's the case, they probably just won't post the submission-? 😂
And personally, I don't understand why people who do trace free to use bases need to fill out the "traced illustration" under the "information about this work" when they could just say they used a base in their description of their submission (plus where they got it or credit)? To me, those who aren't stealing art by tracing and are using bases may get their accounts flagged if they honestly fill this stuff out and that worries me since I know some of the people who follow me do use some of medi's free to use bases- and that's just unfair in general. The actual people who are out here tracing and stealing work and then purposefully not crediting will still get away with it. This is just a superfical fix in my opinion (although everyone on ARTstreet has probably already said this XD)

As for the AI thing- I didn't know this existed till a like a month or two ago. But from what I know from it, AI generated art (a majority of the time) steals bits and pieces from other pieces of art and makes something "new" from them (based off the prompt you give the AI). This is obviously art theft taken to the futuristic extreme- Now not all AI's are like this, there are AI's that generate or make art without stealing others art but overall I don't think Medi should allow AI art to begin with- That whole option is just as useful as the tracing one.
If you do post AI art, link your AI so people can research it to see if it does steal others art bc (I would hope) most of the time, the person posting AI art doesn't know the AI stole art in the first place. Or just don't post AI art- try actually making the Art yourself and posting it to a platform with other people who spent the time and effort actually making the art they're posting? even the shootposts-

Overall I think Medibang's recent changes are unsurprisingly not helpful and just them basically wanting us to stop complaining. Its honestly just getting sad at this point and I feel like Medi has also made the algorithm worse since I've been away? I think I've said this before but I post my art at a specific time because the algorithm favors my art (as well as others) at that time and its easier for those who follow me to find it or see it. Anytime I post outside of this time my posts generally do worse than those that were posted at that time- That's Medi's algorithm for you- its unforgiving and favorites specific creators and if you don't meet those standards-? You need to find a place and time to be favored by it- kinda like Youtube.

Also- I'd like to just add here, at the bottom of all of this- Dexx, a fabulous content creator on ARTstreet, still hasn't had their frozen account fixed- Medibang told them they did something wrong but didn't give them details- Something they could fix or learn from even- They just froze their account. Which reminds me of Youtubes problems right now regarding how they treat their creators and when they strike.flag accounts and posts but never tell the creator what the did specifically.
Also, I've tried many times trying to find Medi or ARTstreets rules and explanations on the LEVELing system and all of that and I can never find it- They don't have any rules or service or any of that located anywhere on their website (from what I could find, if you find something PLEASE PLEASE LINK IT). So, basically, we're posting art to a platform that knows its own rules but we don't. We're in the dark while Medi isn't and can ban or freeze accounts here and there and further leave us in the dark. How fair is that?
okay, thanks for coming to my ted talk- stay safe and fresh pepperonis
and if my account yeets from existence after I post this, medi got me :'D

my discord: kiwi_zilla#4409

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  • hmm well here’s the submission guidelines: and here’s the terms of service: but i really agree with you 😭 i think people should be told what they’re doing wrong so they can refrain from doing it again in the future

  • > kiri_kiwi FR!! Like they won’t even tell us what we did 💀 It’s like when someone gets mad at you and you ask why and they’re like “you know what you did” and you don’t 😭😭

  • > Jen Jen 💀 I wish they would just tell us the rules for publishing art so we don't, somehow, get our accounts froze or yeeted off of the face of this platform

  • > kiri_kiwi fr :’D Like medi won’t even tell us their motives, they just do as they please and we can’t really do much, if anything, they’ll just give us another trashy update 💀

Merry Christmas Eve!

Or Happy christmas for those ahead in time :D
I hope you lovely pepperonis have a fabulous Christmas! And if you don't celebrate that, I hope you have a fabulous winter season and have fun celebrating or not celebrating :D

If I can, I'll stream a special Christmas eve Caturday cast today! It may not be at our usual time since but it may be around that time! Join if you can or want too, let's hope there's no technical difficulties :'D

oki, huzzah festivities, stay safe and fresh pepperonis
-kiwi the karate chopping fruit

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  • > Dr2Brains#2fan Merry Christmas Eve Dr. 2 Brains!! :D I hope you have fun at your grandmas!! :D

  • Omg!!! Merry Christmas Eve, Kiwi!! I may not be able to make it to the stream, or at least not for long, because I'll be at my grandma's house from 5-9 CST, but I'll try to watch if I can :D

winter break :D

I've been taking a lot of breaks as of late, I'm sorry :'D
But I really have been working on something behind the scenes and just trying to work on my art and how I approach it. As for the youtube channel- its kinda dead so I'm going to try to upload some speedpaints bu alas time will tell.
I think I figured out a way to fix caturday cast? I\m not holding my breath but I may have found why it lags so much!
Either way, its winter break and I'm not as busy so its hussle time! >:D
Also Happy holidays pepperonis <3
stay safe and fresh,

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  • > kiri_kiwi :') 👍

  • > 🎄❄Dexi_Mexi❄🎄 Ohhh, felt honestly :'D

  • > kiri_kiwi I honestly don't know, I haven't really been taking supplements lately so I guess my body can't function with out them💀✨✨ XD

  • > 🎄❄Dexi_Mexi❄🎄 thank you :D why are you in pain- ;--; take care of yourself broski >:0


3 weeks, holy moley. Time really flies by-
For the past couple of months, before catuday cast ended (hopefully temporarily), I've been feeling really burnt out an I've been struggling with my art styles- Having several art styles may seem, nice? I guess- but, at least for me, its really not. I want a central style that I can just draw in like so many other people, something people can recognize my art by but I just can never find it. Its really, well, disheartening to say the least.
I've been trying to make art or videos for you guys but it feels so rushed and I don't like doing that. I like putting effort and care into my art and what I make and when I don't it just hangs there in my mind that I could've done better but didn't, you know?

I will try to return to ARTstreet and or youtube soon- I'm wOrKiNg on something special, hopefully I can stay to it. Thank you, pepperonis, for all your support <3

p.s. I may change my name to kiwi FYI, I'm not sure yet

- kiwi

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  • > Dr2Brains#2fan I never thought about it that way- that they could all be recognizable by me- you're right, thank you :D and yeah, the crashing down thing- that's what's been happening lately but I struggle with just taking a step back :'D

  • > 🎄❄Dexi_Mexi❄🎄 thank you dex, same to you! I hope you work out the art crisis you're going through too <3

  • Buddy, take as long as you need. Burnout is an awful thing, and if there's any possibility of you experiencing it, you gotta avoid it. You don't have to create content, trust me, everyone can wait. If people start to get antsy, who the heck do they think they are?! Also, your art styles are all recognizable as yours. I know what you mean by wanting something concrete, I've been feeling that too, but methods carry over between styles. Hopefully, though, you can find something you're content with Don't rush yourself. You're struggling, it's clear, so take your time and don't half-a## it, otherwise you'll come crashing down again

  • Hey it's ok kiri, I understand what you're going through and I know what it feels like. I'm having a bit of an Art style crisis myself lol. And I just want you to know that you don't need to rush yourself or think that you own us anything. And I can't wait to see that you're working on!! ^ ^ Stay safe💖💖

hi :'D

I yoted to the ether
uhh so I've been thinking about something and idk if it will stick but here it goes
I'm going to try something new for art- the downside to having multiple art styles is that its hard to find one, centralized style an its always bugged me that I can never find or stick to one :'D
I've been recording a drawing recently, so I'll edit it to a speedpaint shortly. The picrew video, s I g h s, still in progress, I need to rewrite the script bc it sounds like a toddler wrote it.

As for Caturday Cast, its officially canceled till I get a new computer- so till January or even the start of 2023's summer. However, I'm going to try and make a temporary replacement for it, so do not fret pepperonis

thank you for your patience :D
stay safe and fresh,
- kiwi

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i'm actually motivated to do something

good mornooning pepperonis, how are we on this day?
Guess what, remember that hurricane I went through like, a month ago? There's another one heading for the state I live in :'D
I'll probably be fine but for all the broskis that live in south Florida and the west coast of Florida, be safe <3

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  • EY EY I'M DOIN GOOD And yo, my fam is travelling across the country to Florida so I hope we won't run into that (it's a trip btw not a stay forever kinda thing) BE SAFE THO

Follow these peeps! :D

follow these amazing artists or herbert will steal your spleen
Endy Ender:
* SAM *:
Raptors Doodles:
夏八木 博:
𝔅𝔞𝔩𝔡𝔦 𝔅𝔞𝔩𝔡𝔦𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔢:
Hello my name is:Phia:
Sammy_is_a_dork (no you're not sammy >:0):

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  • > Dr2Brains#2fan (o゜▽゜)o☆

  • > Hello my name is:Phia yee of course!! :D

  • Ahh thank you!! :D

  • :o thanks for the promotion!

Good Mornooning!

Its been awhile since we've done a Caturday cast, heck been awhile since I've done a good mornooning post/ Sorry for the lack of posts and streams lately, I was really afk during October :'D
however, caturday is going to happen today in about 6 hours or so. we're going to be drawing some original characters and such so ye :D

also- if you're feeling burnt out, and you're feeling like your art isn't that good or what not, don't push yourself because you think that's what people want, a constant upload. If you just keep doing that while burnt out then you're just going to make yourself feel worse and you may lose your drive and love of art and drawing-
Your art is amazing and the great thing about art is that everything you make will be different from someone next to you. There's something authentic to everyone's art and show's who you are and what you love. If you draw now, what to draw better, want to draw for a career, whatever you do with art and where ever you are in art, remember you can always grow but with every level you are in art, your art will always be amazing. And that's because you made it <3

Stay safe and fresh pepperonis,

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