Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


i get art block easily and i think ik why
minus the yk, every artist gets art block- writers get writers block, etc, its normal
but on top of that, i tend to overthink my art- i want to make it "perfect", yk? but i usually end up adding too much, taking the picture somewhere different than I originally planned- it's not as fun as I remember it and it becomes suffocating bc i feel like it HAS to be perfect. And it just gets to points where- i just can't draw

so, um what i'm saying is, i'm going to take my art in a different direction. it won't be crazy but i want to try something different, i want it to be carefree and i want to have fun with art again so, yeah. ty for reading 😭😭

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  • no soy un profesional ero te entiendo lo que pasa es que al pasar el tiempo mejoramos nuestra visión de artista o dibujante como quieras decirle y nos exigimos mas y mas y nos plateamos expectativas muy altas y al n cumplirlas , nos sentimos mal o que no servimos para esto , y se nos olvida que la evolución de nuestro nivel como dibujantes tomara tiempo practica y muchos bloqueos en mi caso a veces cuando no logro terminar o me siento que no puedo realizar el dibujo lo dejo a medias y intento hacer otra cosa para relajarme y luego vuelvo a intentarlo

  • Alright, i bet it will look even more great. I have a similar problem where it used to be something fun but now it feels like a chore and I cant even try to do it

  • I'm taking the same path! It's mostly because I spend too LONG making it "perfect". I want to be quicker so I'm trying different things and styles. I get artblock from it too, with the "perfect" thing, but probably not as much. I hope you can have more fun from here though!

  • I’m rooting for you! 😁

support for a pal :)

ello ello! so someone from my school made a SPECTACULAR Kaveh/Al-Haitham fanfic- now ik what you're thinking- no its not romantic in a sense or smutty- its actually just a story fanfic about Kaveh, Al-Haitham, Cyno, and Tighnari
its extremely good, warning it is a bit sad but you will 100% enjoy it so pls support them! Also, they asked if you could leave any comments under it, they would really appreciate it!!!! Thank you <3

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artstreet, why? seriously why? I spent 10 + hours on this, weeks waiting, hoping that maybe I could get some sort of creator rank and new level- all because it wasn't anime, I'm guessing.
ik its jsut a level but- i'm just, not motivated to do this right now. I'm doing great on artstreet, don't ge me wrong. I'm lucky, i have 300+ followers and i'm extremely thankful for that-
but these levels help push ppl up in the algorithm- and I want this to be my job- but I feel like I can't do this because this stupid site just wants to pin everyone into the same anime type style. its ridiculous. I love anime but there are so many other styles out there- there are so many artists on this platform that deserve level 4+ that don't have anime styles- its so punishing i feel- bc everytime I post something good, that i'm actually proud of like this- i wait weeks only to see the same fucking green level 3- no progess, no movement on this site. I'm so fucking done

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  • you deserve more attention fr

  • Im so proud of youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!


  • Im agree I try to improve on my art style EVERY TIME medi doesn't care, i hate that "if your art style isn't anime we won't level up your art" that's what medi says on my mind. There's artists like you and others that spend hours and hours on their art progress, work and effort, with that hope that you are proud of the art, you post it here, it gets popular, levels up to 3 and (3 weeks later) BOOM! You get NOTHING for it. I think it's kinda ridiculous to fight for a little badge in your page and get popular... it doesn't matter. The important thing is that YOU are PROUD of drawing. that's my theory, sorry if I sound like if i was mad but no XD

sett from League of Legends

glorified cat boy
this is his pool party skin- I chose to draw this one for no reason. don't looks into-
i did this with an ohuhu lineart marker, ohuhu markers (ik, fancy), crayola color pencils 💀, and these new paint pen things called Artugn i think? i have no idea bro but I like them-
definitely going to digitalize this tho
second one is the og picture (the og reference (full picture of the splash art) i used is on my phone so I just googled for it on pc and found a cropped one 😭😭)

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  • league of legends momenet!!


i want to draw but i cannot- also ihave become unironically addicted to league of legends
the painting is at level 3- lettuce hope and pray to herbert the frog that it goes to 4- man ik I shouldn't get butt hurt about not getting level 4's but I spent 10+ hours on that 💀
when i do get my art prowess back from the depths of my brain, should I do another painting- i kinda want to >:)

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  • > 𝕜𝕚𝕨𝕚🌿 Yup

  • > SÆRO_3Ø8 oo that sounds awesome!

  • > 𝕜𝕚𝕨𝕚🌿 It's a Christmas podcast So I will make a topic for our followers and friends to ask questions of our Christmas or something else We will do it on our Christmas break so there won't be any school work in our way

  • > SÆRO_3Ø8 a podcast? what kinda of podcast :0 also YEAH i would love to :D

DTIYS shoutouts

remember, the dtiys challenge ends November 1st >:)
here are the FANTASTIC submissions so far <3
follow them if you aren't, they're very underrated >:)

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  • > 𝕜𝕚𝕨𝕚🌿 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • IM A BARBIE GWORL!1!!1!1!1😛😜😛😜😛😜😛😝😛😝😛😍😍😍😍😍😍😍👹👹👹👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👹👺👺👹👺👺👹👺👹👺👹😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😀😀😀😁😁😁😁😁😊😊😊😊😊😋😋😋😋😋

  • > EinTheTransDemon 😭😭😭

  • > 𝕜𝕚𝕨𝕚🌿 I was gonna do it- but I forgottttttt