Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

10 hours / Day
Currently listening to Roadtrip on repeat :]
announcement again-

alrighty imma keep this short

yes you can do your modes except smp modes
and no you gotta ask us if ever you are going to do an SMP mode (but if i dont know you very well then haha expect us to say no)

the people without the SMP modes but do have modes have no affiliations with us whatsoever, unless theyre our friends or smth

thats it have a nice day, all other questions and answers will be in the comments

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  • > DreamiiKuri Lol it’s ok 👌

  • And yes as you said there are a lot of people which is another reason why we declined Sorry qwq

  • > Cherry You guessed it- Sorry but uh ye it’s somewhat closed now and whoever joined will stay At this point it’s closed, but maybe we’ll open up slots again

  • > DreamiiKuri I'll probably gonna get rejected, but I wanna ask if I can join?

I’m worried

Well I may or may not post semi daily now cause as I said I got exams
And this time I am working hard for good grades-

Later today I’m planning to post the exclusive Dream SMP mega Collab which I’m excited for Ngl :’)

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  • Good luck and study well for your exams Kuri!😊 You can do it!!✨

  • Ye thank you :D

  • > DreamiiKuri I hope you do good on your exams ^^ Also nice :D

  • Ngl I’m doing well, at least I’m not failing school and I can still go on medi. I still have a good meal so idk it’s good I guess I just gotta study hard at least for the exams :’)

I just wanna say

Saltyshoes thank you for making me realize this-
your help will be forever cherished for im living under a rock

Dream's voice is pog when singing lol

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  • > DreamiiKuri Thank you

  • > Soulever He sung a new song called Roadtrip and it’s nice :] It’s on Spotify I think

  • Wait, ok please explain this to me PLeasE- I’m so freaking uncultured and away from MCYT’s personal lives... Did Dream really sing in this, or is this just a meme? O///O I told you I knew nothing about MCYT’s personal lives

  • when autocorrect almost always makes people call me Kurt instead of Kuri: *sweating* am I kurt?

Help me 2x

Ok so imma speedrun this rn cause I gtg sleep

Help me remove contacts in medibang other than getting frozen-
This is legit how many people I’ve contacted and like half of them I barely talk to anymore (or have been frozen)

I’ll check this later morning so ye see ya

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  • 1: yep its a lot 2: yeee sadly idk if i can delete these- And 3: I messaged you once about the topic lol And for all the SMP members Yes we talk more in gc lol

  • I don’t really talk to you on message but more in the chat but I’m not sure how to delete

  • I’m not sure if you can delete contacts? You could block them and see if it works? Otherwise I think it’s kinda just stuck like that, sorry ^^”

  • whoa thats alot-

My Medibang is acting weird

I can submit posts yes but for some reason it really lags, a l o t

I tried going to the app to get to draw something and fiddle with layers but 2 things that annoy me
1: it’s laggy as *muffin* and just crashes when I open a doodle with more than 2 layers

I am convinced that medi hates me
And also help my iPad on the first load literally has the phone format on (and I’m in landscape mode) and takes me a minute to reload because of the internet
And yes I did check my internet and it was fine, I went to fandom it was okay. But medi just can’t help but not load in the first 3 attempts

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  • Ah,

  • > Ishtar Cool :’0

  • > DreamiiKuri Thankfully I didn't really lose much😅...My progress on one of my sketches is gone but it's alright. At least the commission I was working on is safe òwó

  • > Ishtar ImsogladIdontusemeditodraw Also sad man I hope you didn’t lose that much progress-

Question to the SMP members

More specifically:
mint mochi

Will you all allow a group collab? Me, Bella, and Pat are planning to start a group collab and I was wondering if you would do it. Basically the theme of the collab I’m doing is like a group photo thing and ye
Everyone in the mode SMP is required to join if the collab will happen
Everything else will be said once we are confirmed of doing this collab :)

Also Dream was correct there was Wifi at prison :]

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  • > DreamiiKuri Mornin

  • > NightRain Yayyy and good morning :]

  • Alrighty I don’t totally mind that

  • > ⊰vinnVHS⊱ It’s fine! I sent it when y’all were sleeping,lol

theory ive thought of

everyone knows that medi is rigged
i said that like a few topics ago too

and stuff with views, likes, this and all that only have a small chance of actually getting level 7

unpopular opinion but what if medi actually looks at the art ?
what if medi actually judges levels based on the quality?
Yes it's still rigged due to them favoring mainly Japanese/Chinese/whatevernese (not in a mean way) artists, however what if they judge based on how anime/realistic it looks?

maybe Medi just judges it by it's aesthetic according to the tags or smth
its like Youtube with auto captions idk

just putting it out there that maybe those who dont get ranks just need to try a super anime style idk
and type in japanese stuff

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  • um yee thats what ive beeen thinking especially since low-liked, but pretty art tends to go all the way up regardless

  • :0 ooo

  • An illustration will not be posted on different LEVELs at the same time. If the illustration remains till "LEVEL 2 (2weeks)", the award history mark will be displayed on the corresponding illustration. It is also displayed in the list of illustrations and related works. The popularity of the illustrations are calculated by ART street's algorithm based on the number of views, comments, favorites, shares, and likes. R18 works with mild sexual expression that expose the skin are not eligible for ART street Ranking. If illustrations that were released without age restrictions at the time of submission conflict with the guidelines, the management may set age restrictions. Please be careful. * Achieving a high LEVEL in ART street Arrive is the equivalent to the LEVELs in ART street Ranking.V

  • first day New Illustrations All participation 4 days later LEVEL 1 20% One week later LEVEL 2 10% 2 weeks later LEVEL 3 5% 3 weeks later LEVEL 4 2.5% 4 weeks later LEVEL 5 1% 5 weeks later LEVEL 6 0.3% 6 weeks later LEVEL 7 0.1%

I’m started to get demotivated

Medibang is sort of biased for Japanese art, everyone’s who’s been here for at least a month can tell that

But I want to never leave, all these rigged systems and unfair judging don’t make me want to leave all my friends and memories that I have made here.

I know that I might never get a rank but I’ll keep on trying to get one anyways :’)

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  • mhm

  • i feel the same way, it’s unfair but it’s just something dumb we can’t change and the people here make up for it.

  • I think it is dumb that Medi is biased. They even go as far as freezing people for no reason (Baldi did nothing wrong and was still frozen)!

  • > MochiiNiko Thank you for that :] 1: yes Filipinos are sometimes judged by either looks or in gaming by which we’re not typically the best at 😅. I hope others can understand that we’re better than that- 2: as of now I’m definitely not leaving, I’m not taking much of a break either since like this is all I have as of now, and I definitely won’t have another social for at least 1-4 years. Also thank you for believing in me, I do hope that my art will be recognized as a good one someday :D

I finally did it

I edited a random skin that looked like Drista and here is dreamKuri lol
And I did this while listening to many weird things (mostly Dream SMP bloopers but it’s still weird)

Also bees :D

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  • *sits here not having minecraft* yeH

  • > DreamiiKuri PFF, I'm not good at making skins I'm still praying at it ShUsH

  • > NightRain i edited mine from a drista skin lol

  • > DreamiiKuri Damn I’ve been making coustom mc skins from scratch maybe I’ll get a gnf skin and edit it to look like Georgia