Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

10 hours / Day
Currently listening to Roadtrip on repeat :]
**announcement for le gang**

Uhhh people who aren’t in the le gang keep scrolling this ain’t it-

So people in our modes, you are required to keep it until the 1st of January (regardless of your time zone). You may keep your modes until 10th or 11th of January however I do recommend to return to your usual persona at January 1st.

You may also keep several accessories of your cosplay into your usual outfits :)

-Kuri ♡

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  • > Lemon Lol nice infiltration but no- You’re not in a mode and p l e a s e don’t be in one- even after the event qwq

  • -<-

  • *infiltrates*

  • > ĸurımзımaпga Yeep

Doneza | | collaboration :)

Yep sorry I was pretty lazy today hahah

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  • > ĸurımзımaпga ik but I usuAllY aLso See EM

  • > Prarie♡ oop sorry i didnt see you :') thanks btw uwu

  • > βҽӀӀą its a topic thats wHY tHaNk yOu fAm

  • Masterpiece 👌🏻

Good night + random stuff

So ye goodnight
Also a few things-
My debt right now are oc refs, an Xmas collab but later, a collab with Mayple, an adopt by Bella (isn’t made yet but still debt) and if I do forget anything consider it cancelled since I can’t remember but if it is important then remind me-

Hmmm most of those aren’t made yet other than May’s collab
I’m currently dealing with art block do I’ll just be posting either lazy art or reposting stuff I just wanna have on my page again

Love y’all and have a good day :)

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  • Good night~

Ummmm huh?

Alright so I decided to play in a random server and look what skins I found!
I ain’t dumb ik these are most likely not Dream or Tommyinnit (if that skin was Tommyinnit)
I just had to screenshot this because of how beautiful this is

Server: Hive Asia

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  • I actually took 3 screenshots of it but emxii4 kinda blocked the view lol

  • > ĸurımзımaпga Yeah,

  • > βҽӀӀą Ye I’m sure they’re not there since I was in an Asian server (but my game language was German lol)

  • Oop, but yeep prolly nott


So I’m using IbisPaint for doodles here y’all probably know that by now

There’s this feature before that lets you do screen tones with the patterns they provided-
Basically you could get any type of clear pen and just scribble on it with the pattern slot and it’ll make a screen tone on top of the lines you made-
It doesn’t work anymore it just makes it all weird looking and ye- it’s annoying me could someone help me get the regular thing working again?

For medibang users uhhh, don’t mind this-

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  • > ĸurımзımaпga Ur welcome

  • > Alicia O h alright thank you :)

  • So u did a doodle and then u used a screen tone on top of that and it's not working? Well I tried it but it's working (If ur trying to make a 2 screen tone in 1 layer it won't work I tried it)

  • it’s on the type of layer :)


All of you should be in a certain mode-
For Haru he is in Padoru mode
Bella is in Sapnap mode
I am in Dream mode-
Ish and Toxic are still undecided-

Please draw a random art meme including you either in cosplay or an actual meme and make it your pfp and add “_____ mode” to your username
However feel free to skip if you’d like, just sayin this for fun :)

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  • > [Ishtar] N I c e

  • > ĸurımзımaпga Okay

  • I did it XD

  • Idk be someone in the Dream Team? Any others is fine since the Dream Team slots are currently full

Random request for whomever

Alright so uhhh I need something
I need 2 people to post lineart of any person possible :)
Here’s the rules:
-simply do a portrait, a full body isn’t needed or recommended but you may do so if you’d like :)
- furries umm sorry but this isn’t for you :’), I’m currently wanting to practice on hair shading and eye details soo yep I’ll just ask you some requests another time
- I’ll do 1 request for you in turn of doing this-
- male or female idc but I prefer male because their hair is easier to practice on -<-

Yep that’s it, also send me the link once you’re done, this’ll be closed once 2 people are willing to draw either a male or female (one slot for female and one slot for male :D)
You may also color with their links if they grant you permission to do so :)
Have a nice day

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  • > Renderr Oop ok-

  • > ✿ĸurımзımaпga✿ Tell me if you want anything changed

  • Note for everyone: It is now closed :) People who participated: Pat X and Renderr

  • > Renderr Alright thank you!

Small announcement

So uhh for the next 2 weeks I might be sorta busy, I’ll still try to post daily but not as much as I did this week-
Also art block hit me so that’s another reason I may not be able to post that much-
Ummm @Owen if you’re reading this don’t worry your oc will be posted once I finish it :)
I honestly already developed the look on paper I just need to convert it to my iPad lel

Good night now, it’s 10:18PM so ye
I’ll be hanging around medi for some minutes
Also the pic is a drawing from last year and I’ll try to recreate it as it was my first post in medi before I got frozen :)

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  • Alrighty

  • Oy if ya need any help w/ art block jus lemme know. Hope your back soon :)

  • good night comrade :P

hElP mE

Alright so I’m easily obsessed with stuff-
I easily jump from thing to thing, trend to trend (other than tiktok trends)
So now I’m obsessed with the Dream SMP or just the Dream Team in general-
Idek if I said it right-
Now someone help me get out of thisss
I mean look at the differences of my wallpaper last month, and now look at the one I have qwq

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  • > Dapple sAMe this made me feel so old despite still being a minor lel

  • This brings back memoriesssss- I remember when I was younger I will watch stampy and dan all the time I looked up to them so much- I miss those days ;w; Oh god I sound old- ;-;

  • Lol

  • > boiledsunflowers I once subbed to DanTDM in like 2013 or 2014 and idk but it got removed soon

Have this art that medi would kill-

Idk if medi will allow me to post this without it getting flagged so I’ll just post it here and delete it once y’all could confirm if I could post it without getting flagged qwq

Also the text on the upper right says “am I ok?” If y’all can’t read my writing qwq

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  • > ✿ĸurımзımaпga✿ No problem :>

  • > Dapple Oh alright cool Thanks uwu

  • I also use Procreate for all my drawings and i haven’t been flagged for any of them

  • Dont worry about it A lot of artists use other programs and get away with it There’s an artist that uses photoshop and all of their drawings are still on so it’s all good :)