
Sleepyxx (INACTIVE)
Hey guys, gals, and non-binary pals! Feel free to follow me, or not! ^^
Under no circumstances will homophobia, racism, sexism, bullying, or other be tolerated.
Hurt any of my friends and I won’t hesitate to stab you with a mushroom (or a frog with the small price of 5 cents).
banner by GrassyAvocado! Go follow them! have a nice life fellow human c:
- Steven Universe
- furry
- warrior cats
- Gravity Falls
- wof
- Animation meme
- mha
- She-ra
- Demon slayer
- Dream SMP
- atla
- LoK
- Work Place:bedroomlmao
- Gender:Female
so uh- this one person has been telling me to go kms for quite some time now- calling me f@ggot and stuff like that, and trying to send me really inappropriate pics when I tell her not to?? it started when my friend added her to the group chat, and she asked: "hey, who is (insert my phone number)?" and my friend told her who I was and sent a picture of me. she said: "she's kinda hot. wanna be my girlfriend?" mind you, I had only met her briefly in the year prior. I said no, I don't really want to be in a relationship right now, sorry. ever since then, she's been telling me to "go kill yourself, faggot." and then acting like nothing happened and calling me 'bestie' the next day. I've told her: "hey, can you please stop? I really don't want to be sent inappropriate images and it's making me really uncomfortable." but she keeps telling me that I'm the one being toxic?? I'm starting to feel like I am the asshole here, and I just really don't know what to do. I've tried to tell her that I'm sorry, but she's having none of it. I don't wanna block her, then I'd be being mean and I don't wanna lose what few friends I have. I'm just so stressed about this, and I've started to get back into my old self-harming habits. I feel like I need to stop, but I also feel like I deserve it for being mean to her?? I haven't told anyone yet, but I just have to get this off my chest.
You definitely need to notify an adult abt this, this is some serious shit. Maybe you could start by telling a counselor at school, or the principal. Maybe even the police. But u can't let them keep doing this. YOU DID NOTHING WRONG.
Sleepy, this is actually illegal. Being sent inappropriate images without explicit consent is sexual harassment. You are not the asshole here. Okay? I believe you can report the images and this person for sexual harassment.
Ive been in a similar situation and the best thing to do is to cut them off and block them from contacting you. I know it might feel like you deserve it and you may want to give her a chance but it is NOT healthy for you to be in a situation like that. The faster you get away from that person the better things will be.
we know you don't wanna be mean to her, but you need to put yourself first. there's a different between being mean and protecting yourself. you know she's hurting you, and hanging around her is only going to cause more trouble. start thinking what friends really are. they have no intent to hurt you, they'll listen and they're there for you. these are only three of what i think tho. do what's best. even if she gets mad, your health is more important now, and i think plenty people here would agree. remember, we're here for you :)
go follow these wonderful people right now and give em some love- they're both so amazing but underrated as HECC
do it
do it right now or I will personally show you that kneecaps are a privilege and not a human right
f u c k
my parents snuck onto my phone last night and changed all my email passwords and now they won't tell me what they are- now I'm scared that I did something wrong- at least I'm still signed into medi on my computer rn lmao. I stg if it makes me sign into medi on my phone then- w e l l I'm locked out forever
> Sleepyxx It’s the “I want help but also don’t wanna get screamed at” scenario.. I understand
Oh no, that's literally terrible- hopefully it'll get worked out somehow
why do I get so worked up about this stuff- did I go too hard? I always try to sympathize with people like them, but I just can't stand it when they just downgrade people like they're nothing, and with no actual motive. please tell me if I'm ever being too harsh, my adhd can make my anger issues spark up, but the last thing I wanna do is hurt people.
It's sad to see ppl like this on mediabangpaint
I'm trying to calm down, im already pretty angry because of her. I get mad so easily- * anger issues vibes *
nah feel free to whoop some lgbtq+phobic a s s
oop- ;-;
O h- can i ask what is going on abt this person? I just- i just don't know TvT
I wanna block her now
I forgot to mention that I'll still be online, I just won't post any art. ask me any of these, I just wanna get my mind off some things ✨
> Sleepyxx 👍🏻Good goal but I think your art is fantastic
> Sleepyxx Legit I love all of that- bruv the Hoossiers are amazing, tlok is amazing, and stranger things is mwah
> ẞ "currently stress-binging Legend of Korra 😔✌️" Killer, by The Hoosiers Stranger Things?
> Pat "currently stress-binging Legend of Korra 😔✌️"
hi guys, just wanted to let you know that I'll be taking a break. I probably won't be gone long, maybe a week or so at most. my grandfather just died, and I'm involved in a covid study that'll make it hard to post. stay safe!
sorry about your loss.. take all the time u need <3
Im sorry to hear that :( Stay safe, we love you! <3
> Sleepyxx you're welcome :)
> 💙alus thank you- :,)
so me and my friend hung out today lmao- we spent the day listening to music and making S'mores lol
> Ali-Chi! yea lol- thank you! TwT
Me in a nutshell at the park
is that you? you're cute!
*ignoring third image* sounds like u had a fun time!
I really didn't expect these results lmao- I honestly thought I would lean more to the ADHD side lmao
> Sleepyxx Damn
> DrawingCat.blah y u p
O dear god, I really did start a trend.
ok so uh I'm in art class rn but I don't really do that bc all we do is make letters 3d and that's boring- anyone wanna play dergun town? I made a lot of my ocs there and I just checked in after a few months. it's basically just pony town but I make all my ocs canines/dragons/random creatures. I'll probably be using the oc I have down below if you wanna find me :D https://derguns.town/
> AmiraB Me too
I got ponytown
and I'll probably just be sitting at the spawn point lol
Me too
y'all can ask me a n y t h i n g, so have at it
> Ali-Chi! also I made fursuits for a lil bit and still consider myself to be a part of the fandom despite not currently owning a suit. they're really fun to draw :3
> Ali-Chi! hm... well uh- I guess just cuz I suck at drawing humans, and also a year or two ago I found some yt channels, like Crownedx wolf, Seelmaru, Katzun, etc. that really inspired me to draw/animate, and they have some furry characters.
> Mossy Oh, Zyra did? cool!! Well, for starters, you're really nice, into a lot of cool fandoms, your character designs/artwork in general is super friggin awesome, and your grammar is good. that's just a few things tho :3
> Mossy I'm commenting too much, sorry https://wompampsupport.azureedge.net/fetchimage?siteId=7575&v=2&jpgQuality=100&width=700&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.kym-cdn.com%2Fentries%2Ficons%2Ffacebook%2F000%2F032%2F474%2Fgoals.jpg
uh- so, I was thinking about maybe doing a livestream in a few mins?? here's my channel (I'll probably just be working on random art or animation memes) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYgZHH6g1EDl4cR7cQurx1g
> ℝ𝕖𝕟𝕘𝕠𝕜𝕦-𝕊𝕒𝕟 Subbed u* too much medi 👀
Alsooooo, i have followed u, mah yt channel is [`ThatWeirdJackal`] tmr i'll prob be doing stream too xD
ah yes more spookii pics bc idk
I like this last skull!
> littledidyaknow oh, it's absolutely fine!! ^w^
> Sleepyxx Aww sorry didn’t know pal
> littledidyaknow oh- I'm so so sorry that it's taking me long- I only have about an hour or two to draw after school on a regular basis, so I try to get as much stuff done as possible, but sometimes I get distracted. Again, I'm so sorry about that, I'll try my best to get them done soon! thank you so much for your patience- TvT"
here are two spookii photos of some of my skulls that I have in my collection, some dope ass crocs, and a meme 🤠👍
Love skulls so cool
OwO spooki
Whoa like the children skulls in my basement Jk jk 🥲
Skulls are rad And i can no longer move it move it
This is sort of a thank you for Button, and also, I love Mossy's dark form, I just couldn't resist drawing it!! sorry it's a lil angsty lmao-
> Sleepyxx Neither do I! I just make long squiggly things.
> Mossy aaaaaa thank you so much- tbh I don't have a clue what I'm doing when it comes to antlers- TwT
> Hai AAAAAAAAA TY- hbgdckulhsalkkdjivurywqeunx- how am I getting compliments from people who's art is literally stunning like WHAT?? HJSKSKJDHJKS I CAN'T-
holy smokes this is so GOOD??? dude- not only is Mossy's design giving me such big and phat inspiration BUT YOUR ART IS JUST SO- RKJHGAKJER I LOVE IT
alright, so first off, tysm for 295 followers! it means so much to me, and it's really helped my self esteem. second, as a lil gift for 295+ followers, I'll be doing some axolotl doggo adopts. also, I painted a raccoon. anyways- I gtg, I'll be back tomorrow lol
> Sleepyxx Oh, that’s easier than I thought! Thank you and congrats again!
> Peachii-chan oh, you comment on the adopts, choose one that isn't taken, and ask for it! then boom, it's your character now. all mine that I make are fcfs, which means that they're free, and you don't have to do anything other than comment to get one.
:00000Yazz!! Adopts comin!!
Congratulations Sleepyxx...!!
everyone's doin it so why not lol https://pollsgo.com/poll?p=zwcNbtl
I don’t really know you that well but I do follow you so you aren’t quite a stranger.. but I am qwq Hello from a ✨stranger✨
ight who put "crush" 😳
I did it I did it for the Gang, Sleepy And yes, you are my best art friend
> 🎀.ʜᴏɴᴇʏʙᴜɴ.🎀 y e s
okay, first of all, how tf did mineta pass the entrance exam?! riddle me that! I will ctrl alt delete his dollar store hotwheels truck lookin ass if he harasses another girl. also, does Kaminari suck on batteries like jolly ranchers...? and what would tokoyami look like with a human face? I've thought about this one a lot- can mr aizawa only erase quirks thet aren't physical? if someone's quirk is part of their body, then wouldn't he not be able to erase it? like, what's the physical difference between a quirk that involves your body, and a mutation? could he be able to erase hagakure's quirk if she had, like, paint or powder on her so that she was visible?? like if ya blew a bunch of chalk dust over her?? I have a lot of questions about that. what if he could erase physical quirks/mutations, but only certain parts? Like Shoji's arms, could he erase the regenerating arms coming off his main ones? or not at all? what about Tsuyu? cuz we know for sure that parts of her quirk can't be erased, since it's literally part of her dna and instinct, her ref sheet downright tells us that she does the hibernation thing whenever it gets cold, and that can't be erased. but what about the poisonous mucus that she can produce from certain glands? would that be something he could erase? guys my adhd is just making me HYPER FOCUS ON THIS AND NOTHING ELSE. I've never really been into anime, but I mean this is pretty much the only anime/manga I've ever watched/read, so idk. these are the types of thoughts I have when I'm scuttling around the house at 3 a.m eating fistfuls of shredded cheese
thanks for coming to my ted talk, now good day to you and to all the mineta supporters, GET OUT OF MY SWAMP thanks ♥💖
> ~^just_peachy^~ lol-
Lol I swear to god if mineta doesn’t get kicked out in season 5 ima lose it
In the manga it explains that mineta passed the entrance exam by putting his sticky balls in the cannons of the robots, disabling them and earning him points. It's also explained that Aizawa can't erase quirks that are a part of someone (like tsuyu or hagakure) but he could with someone like deku or bakugo. Hope that was helpful!
Oh nvm I found it
> Ashley The link isn't taking me anywhere
Who is this absolute madlad?
Ye- idk :3
> DawnFeathers Ye
> Ashley it is isn't it >:))
That is adorable
Sorry if I haven’t been responding to a lot of comments on the adopts, trying to sort it out is really confusing- also, sorry that I haven’t been posting very much, I have a lot of art block and I’m working on an animation collab with Hemsworth that’s 1350 frames long- anyways, thank you guys so much for all of the support! Here are some random pictures (and one of my chickens rolling in the dirt)
It's okay! I completely understand! Good thing I didn't participate in the adopt thing XD
That last one tho 👌👌💯💯👍
✨ more of me and my crackhead friend ✨also- tysm for 280+ followers!! Like WHAT?? hjsksksksk-
Know what’s funny? I was watching the new Animaniacs/Pinky and the Brain cartoon on Hulu and I saw the second picture mentioning Brain.
> Sleepyxx Oooo
> BeegCatt👉👈🥺🌈🌈 Yees UwU I should do a Meet the Artist lol
>:D I now know your name-- nah jk But yeah your friend most definitely is a crackhead
> Sleepyxx Cool
> Pokemon cut a hole in the back lmao
How did you get your head in there
That is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen
Yeah- the one in the middle is Grey, I haven’t made a ref of them yet lol.
> .~𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥_𝕡𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕪~. That’s painfully true.... 😔✌️
You can’t lie, ewe all have watched more than 2 seasons of ghost adventures 😔👌
ahahaha y e s do I smell an underrated artist?? go follow em right now or I will poke you with a frog
> Sleepyxx QwwqqQQ Tyyy!
> _Riku yes you do uwu <3
Qwqqq You are so nice so is everyone else sssssswsdewskbjljhb kgjbvkj I have like 28 followers now QWWWWQQ I don't deserve thiss ;u;;;
ahhhh dont poke me with a frog im goin-
My chicken, Skeeter, from the front. She’s so derpy- I can’t-
Bootiful chicken
chicken on crack-
> APdraws pfft- XD
when I go back to school irl, I wanna keep the skull of some sort of rodent in my pocket. like "oh, you wanna tease me jaiden? well how would you like me to stick ratatouille's grandpa in your eye" BOOM rat skull in the eye now stop being homophobic
> Sleepyxx Looks like I'm going into the woods by my house tonight!!
> Yep_its_tak YES
> BeegCatt👉👈🥺🌈🌈 XD
This is for Mossy’s contest! I do not own this wonderful species, credits go to Mossy <3
another nautilus!! awesome
IT’S A PRETTYYYYYY FLOOF I love this so much! Also I love that you did reference! I’m usually too lazy and wing it. Also I love how you used a nautilus shell!
Me and my crackhead friend part 2
Lol, somone i sit by started a conversation at my table one day at school about what spines smell like....ahh good times
> APdraws Yeah- I know-
Uhm sleepy your only twelve im not sure your allowed to take drugs yettt......
> .~𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥_𝕡𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕪~. Lol-
Why?? Why do people feel the need to act this way? Its so immature and its annoying as hell You should Block em
also, do you know how old this person was? you sure this isn't some 50 year old creap sitting in his basement stalking 12 year olds on the internet?
if they try to escalate this you can give me their number and i'll personally beat them to a pulp
whoever this crapsack is who thinks they have the right to continue calling you homophobic slurs even after you asked them to stop doesn't deserve any attention from you or anyone else. block them, even if it was a joke. that isn't okay