Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

I’m free

What is your name? Elliott

Orientation? Abrosexual

Gender? Male

Are you dating anyone? nope

Do you have a crush? yeah, a couple

What country do you live in? the us

Summer or Winter? can i not like either? i dont like to too warm or too cold. :( fall is my favorite season-

How many languages do you know? it would be like 1 2/9? i know english, bits and pieces of spanish, and am learning german-

Have any tattoos? How many? yes, one

Have any pets? How many? What are their names? yes 6. Zora, Shimmer, Nova, Tiger, Raven, and Astra.

Ever been to another country? Do you want to? no, yeah. i actually want to go to college abroad

Favorite school subject? it would have to have been my drama class. but for core classes, its science-

Favorite beverage? frikin boba tea

Favorite food? uhhh- chicken alfredo- thats the way to my heart, make me a good chicken alfredo

Do you prefer books, movies, or video games? books and video games over movies

Do you have any favorite books/movies/games? dont even get me started-

Ever been in a physical fight? yeah- i was a very violent little fourth grader..

What do you want to do when you're older? i want to be a clinical psychologist :)

Favorite fictional character? while im typing this im on the last episode of netflix adaption of she-ra. and i claim Catra supremacy. Redemption archs always get me :,)

Favorite genre(s) of music? i listen too anything my earholes like, but most typically its indie or rock

Favorite song(s)? uh, Green by Cavetown... or Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood..

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*ahem* f o l l o w
okay there are so many more, but these are just some of the people who's art work awes and inspires me every single time i see it!

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hah, im such a fuckin hypocrite :')

i always preach to my freinds that they should be honest in their relationships, and that its gunna help them grow as people.
but i cant even tell my boyfriend that im transmale. mind you, i live in a small, homophobic town, and i know for a fact that my boyfreind isnt execpting of gays. he doesnt think that marriage inbetween same-sex partners should be legal, and we have gotten into a couple agruments about it. he may not think its okay, but he doesnt go around attacking people like some of the kids at my school do. i really like him, and sure as hecc dont want to break up with him. but the situation is steadily getting worse... my boyfriend is a pretty closed off person, but his sister told their uncle that we were dating- and now most of his family knows. im the first person he has dated, and now they a l l want to meet me- and my parents want to meet them too(my parents dont know im trans either)-
so now they are planning stuff for everyone to meet, and im stressing out about it.
i also have school starting up soon, and i have to take two math classes, both before lunch. and im going track and field. im already in drama club, hopsitality club, FFA, and NHS. and i have to make sure to keep my GPA at 3.9, because im planning on going to college abroad.
i feel like im going to break under the pressure, but im expected to exceed my parents. I feel like i have to do all this stuff to have a happy life. but i feel like im going to do all this stuff, and struggle through it, just to end up a frikin failure.

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